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Releases: keaven/gsDesign

gsDesign 3.6.6

11 Feb 06:24
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New features

  • gsBoundSummary() gains a new argument alpha to assemble a summary table with multiple efficacy boundaries (@keaven, #183).


  • Add essential unit tests for gsSurvCalendar() (@keaven, #178).
  • Refactor graphical tests with vdiffr::expect_doppelganger() (@nanxstats, #176).
  • Use CODECOV_TOKEN to fix code coverage uploads (@jdblischak, #179).


  • Add more details to the parameter r for controlling numerical integration grid points (@nanxstats, #181).

gsDesign 3.6.5

14 Nov 20:35
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  • toInteger() (introduced in gsDesign 3.5.0) is updated to match broader, non-gsDesign conventions for deriving integer sample size and event counts (@keaven, #172).

    This update may result in different outputs compared to previous versions. Users who use this function should review the updated function documentation (?toInteger) and vignette("toInteger") for details.



  • Add the cph role to the Authors@R field following best practices (@nanxstats, #166).

gsDesign 3.6.4

26 Jul 20:17
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We have made the spending function summary output more readable and informative.

  • Text summaries for spending functions with multiple parameters are now properly formatted. For instance, a b = 0.5 1.5 is now displayed as a = 0.5, b = 1.5 (@jdblischak, #162).
  • The summary() method for sfLDOF() no longer includes the redundant none = 1 in its output (@jdblischak, #159).


  • Added a note about using a positive scalar for sfupar in sfLDOF() to create a generalized O'Brien-Fleming spending function (@keaven, 52cc711, 99996b).
  • Improved math rendering in our pkgdown site vignettes by switching to KaTeX, which is now supported in pkgdown 2.1.0 (@nanxstats, #161).
  • Standardized vignette titles and headings by using h2 as the base level and adopting sentence case throughout (@nanxstats, #158).

gsDesign 3.6.3

09 Jul 13:24
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New features


  • Enhanced eEvents() with input validation to ensure lambda is not NULL (@keaven, 97f629d).


gsDesign 3.6.2

09 Apr 21:10
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  • Move independently programmed functions for validation as standard test helper files (#130).

gsDesign 3.6.1

12 Feb 23:08
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New features

  • gsBoundSummary() now has the as_rtf() method implemented to generate RTF outputs for bound summary tables (@wangben718, #107).
  • plotgsPower() gets new arguments offset and titleAnalysisLegend to enable more flexible and accurate power plots (plottype = 2) (@jdblischak, #121, #123).


  • The plotting functions now use dplyr::reframe() to replace dplyr::summarize() when performing grouped cumsum() (@jdblischak, #114).
  • The plotting functions are updated to use the .data pronoun from rlang with ggplot2::aes(). This simplifies the code and follows the recommended practice when using ggplot2 in packages (@jdblischak, #124).
  • hGraph() now uses named guide argument in the scale_fill_manual() call to be compatible with ggplot2 3.5.0 (@teunbrand, #115). Note: this function has been deprecated and moved to gMCPLite since gsDesign 3.4.0. It will be removed from gsDesign in a future version. Please use gMCPLite::hGraph() instead.


  • vignettes("SurvivalOverview") is updated with more details and minor corrections (@keaven, #126).
  • Fix equation syntax in plotting function documentation to render math symbols properly (@keaven, #118).

gsDesign 3.6.0

12 Nov 01:38
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Breaking changes

  • gsSurv() and nSurv() have updated default values for T and minfup so that function calls with no arguments will run. Legacy code with T or minfup not explicitly specified could break (#105).

New features

  • gsSurvCalendar() function added to enable group sequential design for time-to-event outcomes using calendar timing of interim analysis specification (#105).
  • as_rtf() method for gsBinomialExact() objects added, enables RTF table outputs for standard word processing software (#102).


  • toBinomialExact() and gsBinomialExact(): fix error checking in bound computations, improve documentation and error messages (#105).
  • print.gsSurv(): Improve the display of targeted events (very minor). The boundary crossing probability computations did not change. The need is made evident by the addition of the toInteger() function (#105).
  • toInteger(): Fix the documentation and execution based on the ratio argument (#105).
  • Update the vaccine efficacy, Poisson mixture model, and toInteger vignettes (#105).
  • Standardize and improve roxygen2 documentation (#104).

gsDesign 3.5.0

19 Jul 18:16
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  • sfPower() now allows a wider parameter range (0, 15].
  • toInteger() function added to convert gsDesign or gsSurv classes to integer sample size and event counts.
  • toBinomialExact() function added to convert time-to-event bounds to exact binomial for low event rate studies.
  • Added "A Gentle Introduction to Group Sequential Design" vignette for an introduction to asymptotics for group sequential design.
  • as_table() and as_gt() methods for gsBinomialExact objects added, as described in the new "Binomial SPRT" vignette.
  • In plot.ssrCP(), the hat syntax in the mathematical expression is revised, resolving labeling issues.
  • ggplot2::qplot() usage replaced due to its deprecation in ggplot2 3.4.0.
  • Link update for the gsDesign manual in the documentation, now directly pointing to the gsDesign technical manual bookdown project.
  • Introduced a new hex sticker logo.

gsDesign 3.4.0

11 Oct 20:33
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  • Removed restriction on gsCP() interim test statistic zi (#63).
  • Removed gMCP dependency. Updated vignettes and linked to vignettes in gMCPLite (#69).
  • Added deprecation warning to hGraph() and suggested using gMCPLite::hGraph() instead (#70).
  • Moved ggplot2 from Depends to Imports (#56).

gsDesign 3.3.0

27 May 17:58
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  • Addition of vignettes
    • Demonstrate cure model and calendar-based analysis timing for time-to-event endpoint design
    • Vaccine efficacy design using spending bounds and exact binomial boundary crossing probabilities
  • Minor fix to labeling in print.gsProbability
  • Fixed error in sfStep
  • Updates to reduce R CMD check and other minor issues