- callback only runs on success
- selector is the region to search for fields to validate
alert('validation passed');
- Returns true/false
- throws no errors
if($('region').validate()) {
alert('validation passed');
- the error handler stops the normal error throwing behavior
- error handler is passed the failed field and the error message
// validation passed
}, function(input, message){
// validation failed
// do something with var input
// do something with message
- returns true/false if succesful
- notice the empty selector: none needed
- the "valid" property passes the field currently being validated's value to be validated
- the "valid" property must return true if passing, otherwise false
- if you don't want the new rule to be required you need to include "OR value is equal to [empty string]" condition
- "scope" argument is the element that .validate() was called on
$().validate('set', {
'zip' : {
error : 'Not a valid zipcode',
valid : function(val, scope, input) {
return (! isNaN(val) && val.length == 5) || val == '';
'example' : {
error : 'Not valid HEXIDECIMAL',
valid : function(val, scope, input) {
return val.match(/\b[0-9A-F]{6}\b/gi);
- available as part of plugin
- all rules start with the "f-" prefix
// class="f-required"
"required" : {
error : 'this field is required',
valid : function(val) {
return $.trim(val) != '';
// class="f-email"
"email" : {
error : 'must be valid email',
valid : function(val) {
return /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/.test(val) || val == '';
// class="f-date"
"date" : {
error : 'must be valid date mm/dd/yyyy',
valid : function(val) {
var bits = val.split('/'), y = bits[2], m = bits[0], d = bits[1], daysInMonth = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
if (( ! (y%4) && y%100) || ! (y%400)) daysInMonth[1] = 29;
return d <= daysInMonth[--m] || val == '';
// class="f-number"
"number" : {
error : 'must be a number',
valid : function(val) {
return ! isNaN(val) || val == '';
// class="f-required-if-visible"
"required-if-visible" : {
error : 'this field is required',
valid : function(val, scope, input) {
return ! input.is(':visible') || val != '';
- second parameter is whatever string you want
- selector should be whatever you want error to show on, doesn't even have to be an input
$(input).validate('error', 'my custom error');
$().validate('error', false);