Welcome to ExamPaperHub, your ultimate destination for accessing and sharing exam question papers. This platform is designed to help students prepare effectively by providing easy access to past exam papers.
- About Us
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- Contact
Welcome Vitians, your ultimate destination for accessing previous year question papers effortlessly. We understand the importance of thorough preparation, which is why we've created a seamless platform for sharing question papers based on course codes and examination types. Dive into a wealth of resources to enhance your study experience and excel in your academic pursuits. Unlock the power of past exams to unlock your future success. Start exploring now!
- Upload Question Papers: Easily upload exam question papers by providing details such as subject, course code, exam type, year, and semester.
- Browse and Search: Browse through a collection of question papers or search for specific subjects or course codes.
- Responsive Design: A user-friendly interface that works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.
- User Authentication: Secure login system to manage your uploads and downloads.
Clone the repository. Navigate to the project directory. Open index.html in your web browser to view the application.
- Home Page: Provides an overview of the platform and a call-to-action button to get started.
- About Us Section: Learn more about the mission and vision of ExamPaperHub.
- Upload Section: Allows users to upload exam question papers by filling out a form with relevant details.
- Browse Section: Users can browse or search for question papers based on their needs.
- Login Section: Users can log in to access additional features like managing uploads.
- Home: Welcome page with introductory information.
- Upload: Form to upload new question papers.
- Browse: Search and browse through existing question papers.
- Login: User authentication for managing personal uploads and downloads.
We welcome contributions from the community. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch. Make your changes and commit them. Push to the branch. Create a pull request on GitHub.
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us:
Email: [email protected] Phone: (+69) 456-7890 Follow us on social media:
- LinkedIn Thank you for using ExamPaperHub