Updates your composer.json dependencies to their latest versions.
go install github.com/khanakia/pcu@main
brew tap khanakia/pcu
brew install pcu
pcu --help
Check the ./composer.json
file in current working directory and print the latest version information
pcu check
pcu check -u
pcu check -u --file=./test/composer.json --out=./out.json
laravel/jetstream ^4.0 ^4.0
mll-lab/laravel-graphiql ^3.0 ^3.1
mll-lab/graphql-php-scalars ^6.1 ^6.2
nuwave/lighthouse ^6.8 ^6.22
laravel/sanctum ^3.2 ^3.3
milon/barcode ^10.0 ^10.0
filament/filament ^3.0-stable ^3.0
guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.2 ^7.8
hidehalo/nanoid-php ^1.1 ^1.1
barryvdh/laravel-dompdf ^2.0 ^2.0
egulias/email-validator ^4.0 ^4.0
laravel/framework ^10.0 ^10.30
doctrine/dbal ^3.6 ^3.7
commerceguys/addressing ^2.0 ^2.0
timehunter/laravel-google-recaptcha-v3 ^2.5 ^2.5
laravel/tinker ^2.8 ^2.8
plank/laravel-mediable ^5.9 ^5.9