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An API that reads the output of kind2 and shows results and suggestions.

Build instructions

$ java -version 
 openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04)
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04, mixed mode, sharing)

 $ git clone
 $ cd kind2-explanations     
 $ ./gradlew build 
 $ java -jar build/libs/kind2-explanations-all.jar files/a1.json

To import the API, use the jar file build/libs/kind2-explanations.jar. Alternatively you can just copy the package edu.uiowa.kind2 to your source code.

API usage

  1. Add build/libs/kind2-expalnations.jar to your java class path.
  2. Import package edu.uiowa.kind2;
  3. Pass kind2 json output as a string to Kind2Result.analyzeJsonResult. For example:
String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("file.json")));
Kind2Result result = Kind2Result.analyzeJsonResult(json);
  1. Kind2Result features:

    • getValidProperties, getFalsifiedProperties, and getUnknownProperties return properties for all components.
    • getNodeResult returns an object of Kind2NodeResult that summarizes all analyses done by kind2 for a given component.
  2. Kind2NodeResult features:

    • getSuggestions returns an object of Kind2Suggestion that provides explanations and suggestions based on kind2 analyses for the current component.
    • getValidProperties, getFalsifiedProperties, and getUnknownProperties return properties for the current component, and all its subcomponents.
  3. Kind2Suggestion contains explanations and a suggestion for the associated component. If N is the current component, and M is possibly a subcomponent of N, then the suggestion is one of the following:

    • noActionRequired: no action required because all components of the system satisfy their contracts, and no component of the system was refined.
    • strengthenSubComponentContract: fix Ms contract because N is correct after refinement, but M's contract is too weak to prove N's contract, but M's definition is strong enough.
    • completeSpecificationOrRemoveComponent: Either complete specification of N's contract, or remove component M, because component N satisfies its current contract and one or more assumptions of M are not satisfied by N.
    • makeWeakerOrFixDefinition: either make assumption A weaker, or fix N's definition to satisfy A, because component N doesn't satisfy its contract after refinement, and assumption A of M is not satisfied by N.
    • makeAssumptionStrongerOrFixDefinition: Either make N's assumptions stronger, or fix N's definition to satisfy N's guarantees, because component N doesn't satisfy its contract after refinement, and either N has no subcomponents, or all its subcomponents satisfy their contract.
    • fixSubComponentIssues: fix reported issues for N's subcomponents, because component N doesn't satisfy its contract after refinement, and One or more subcomponents of N don't satisfy their contract.
    • fixOneModeActive: define all modes of component N, because kind2 found a state that is not covered by any of the modes in N's contract.
    • increaseTimeout: increase the timeout for kind2, because it fails to prove or disprove one of the properties with the previous timeout.


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