A tool to quickly start developing with kintone
ⓘ This tool has been migrated from git://github.com/kintone/kintone-cli
The maintenance of kintone CLI ended on 31 December 2024. For more details, please refer to this announcement.
npm install -g https://github.com/kintone-labs/kintone-cli.git
yarn global add https://github.com/kintone-labs/kintone-cli.git
Sometimes depending on the npm version, the error message "command not found" will be displayed.
In that case, please try with the yarn
command instead.
To quickly start with a minimum project, follow the instruction here
When working with kintone, developers usually follow this flow:
- Initialize Project
- Create Template
- Start dev locally
- Build source code
- Deploy to kintone
kintone-cli init [--install] [--quick] [--project-name <projectName>]
Kintone CLI will require following input information. If any piece of info is skipped default value will be auto assigned:
- Project name
- Project version
- Project description
- Project author
- Project license
- Optional dependencies:
- @kintone/rest-api-client (y/n)
- @kintone/kintone-ui-component (y/n)
After all the above info is inputted, cli will initialize the following folder structure:
<Project Name>
├── package.json
└── .gitignore
If --install flag is specified, Kintone CLI will run npm install after initializing folder structure.
If --quick flag is specified, Kintone CLI will init a project with the following default parameter:
--project-name: 'kintone-customization-project'
In addition, this boolean option will be set to true
Ask if user wants to create-template after finishing init project.
Go to the project forder.
cd {project name}
Create a JS customization or a plugin project structure under the project folder.
kintone-cli create-template
[--preset React|ReactTS]
[--domain <domain>]
[--username <username>]
[--password <password>]
[--type Customization|Plugin]
[--scope ALL|ADMIN|NONE]
[--app-name <appName>]
[--app-id <App ID (for Customization) >]
The --scope flag is for setting the scope of customization; therefore, setting the value of --scope when creating a plugin template will have no effect on the app.
If the flag --quick is present, CLI will set default values for the following options:
--type: 'Customization'
--app-name: `kintone-${Date.now()}`
--scope: 'ALL'
In addition, the below boolean options will be set to false
You can override some options even when the --quick flag is present:
Below is an example of overriding some of the --quick default values:
kintone-cli create-template --quick --app-name Sample-App --scope ADMIN
If value is set for flag --preset, CLI will use preset variable to create folder. If both flag --preset and --quick is set, the config will be merge from both --quick config and --preset config.
Current supported preset:
- React
- ReactTS
CLI will require following input information. If any piece of info is skipped default value will be auto assigned:
- Type: customization or plugin
- Name
- If --set-auth flag was specified, input Authentication settings:
- Domain
- Username
- Password
- Proxy
- Using typescript (y/n)
- Using React (y/n)
- If using React, ask if using Webpack (y/n)
- If using Webpack, config webpack:
- Entry
- Use ESLint (y/n)
- If selecting 'Customization', configure kintone App ID
After the above information is inputted, the following folder structure will be created:
<Customization|Plugin Name>
├── source
│ ├── js
│ │ ├── script.js
│ │ └── config.js // this file is created only when developing Plugin
│ └── css
│ ├── style.css
│ └── config.css // this file is created only when developing Plugin
├── dist // this folder is created only when using webpack
├── pluginConfig.html // this file is created only when developing Plugin
├── icon.png // this file is created only when developing Plugin
├── config.json
├── auth.json
├── tsconfig.json // if using TypeScript
├── .eslintrc.js // if using ESLint
└── webpack.config.js // if using webpack
Sample config.json
"appName": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
"type": "Plugin",
"uploadConfig": {
"desktop": {
"js": [
"css": [
"mobile": {
"js": [
"css": [
// In case of Plugin
"config": {
"version": "{PLUGIN_VERSION}"// Plugin version number (integer) e.g. "version": 1
Field | Required | Type | Description |
appName | Yes | String | Customization / Plugin name |
appID | Customization only | Integer | App ID to deploy Customization |
type | Yes | String | App's type:
scope | Customization only | String | Customization scope
uploadConfig | Yes | Object | Config for build , deploy command |
uploadConfig.desktop | Yes | Object | Config for kintone desktop |
uploadConfig.desktop.js | Yes | Array<String> | JS files / URLs to upload to kintone desktop. |
uploadConfig.desktop.css | Yes | Array<String> | CSS files / URLs to upload to kintone desktop. |
uploadConfig.mobile | Object | Config for kintone mobile | |
uploadConfig.mobile.js | Array<String> | JS files / URLs to upload to kintone mobile. | |
uploadConfig.mobile.css | Array<String> | CSS files / URLs to upload to kintone mobile. | |
uploadConfig.config | Plugin only | Object | Config for kintone plugin's config page |
uploadConfig.config.html | String | HTML for kintone plugin's config page | |
uploadConfig.config.js | Array<String> | JS files / URLs for kintone plugin's config page | |
uploadConfig.config.css | Array<String> | CSS files / URLs for kintone plugin's config page | |
uploadConfig.config.required_params | Array<String> | An array of parameters that are required to be filled in in the Plug-in Settings page. Must be between 1 to 64 ASCII characters. | |
uploadConfig.icon | Plugin only | String | Plugin's icon |
uploadConfig.version | Plugin only | String or Integer | Plugin's version |
kintone-cli dev [--app-name <App Name>] [--watch] [--localhost]
Deploy customization files|plugin in to test domains for debugging. Using local web server to serve js/css files directly from project source files.
If --watch flag is specified and customization|plugin uses webpack, each time a source file is changed it is automatically built. Please note that html file and img file for icon are not changed automatically. Only js/css files are changed.
The --localhost parameter:
- The last IP on the list will be chosen if there is no
. - Don't specify
parameter if you want to display the IP list for choosing.
kintone-cli build [--app-name <App Name>]
If a customization|plugin folder contains a webpack.config.js, cli will build by using their webpack.config.js file first.
If a folder is also a plugin folder, CLI will generate manifest.json based on config.json, then package source files into a plugin .zip file according to manifest.json
kintone-cli deploy [--app-name <App Name>]
Customizations|plugins will be deployed using their config.json and auth.json file.
Check/fix code (using @cybozu/eslint-config)
kintone-cli lint [--app-name <App Name>] [--fix]
- {File name} ( {File Path} ):
- {Error 1}:
- Line {Line Number 1}
- Line {Line Number 2}
- {Error 2}:
- Line {Line Number 1}
- Line {Line Number 2}
- {Error 1}:
If --fix flag is specified, cli will also attempt to fix all auto-fixable problems in source code
kintone-cli auth
[--app-name <appName>]
[--domain <domain>]
[--username <username>]
[--password <password>]
[--app-id <appID>]
[--proxy <proxyURL>]
Save authentication credentials into auth.json
Flag --app-name, --domain, --username, --password is required.
Flag --proxy is required when the flag --use-proxy is set.
We welcome contributions to kintone-cli. If you have a question, feature request, or bug report, please register GitHub issue. Pull requests are also welcome when you find trivial bugs, typos or feature requests.
MIT License
Copyright(c) Cybozu, Inc.