Put your .env file in the project root folder. Refer to Sample.env
for required fields. Rename Sample.env to .env and update your environment variables.
- Obtain Client Id and Client from secret by contacting us.
- Update PORT, APP_HOST_URL, REDIRECT_URL acording to your hosting environment. For example if you host it on program.partnerwebsite.com:3000. Then update PORT to 3000, APP_HOST_URL to http://program.partnerwebsite.com:3000 and REDIRECT_URI to http://program.partnerwebsite.com:3000/token/fetch_and_save. (Send your redirect uri/APP_HOST_URL to us)
That's it. Users will now be able to login and generate token. Modify routes/token/index.js
file and update fetch_and_save
route handler to handle token, you can store this code into your database directly or send it to any of your api server.
"access_token": "Access Token String",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 7775999,
"refresh_token": "Refresh Token String",
"user": {
"id": "USER_ID",
"phone": "USER_PHONE"
Also store refresh_token in your database, access_token have a relatively short life time, post expiry of the access_token use refresh_token to obtain access_token again.
Getting Access Token using refresh_token
Use https://api.kiot.io/oauth/token
as token url.
npm install
npm start
Host this application in your preferred server.