Tools that help you extract resources from game: fonts, textures, FM/DM of tanks/planes/ships, parameters of weapons, and other interesting stuff.
It also should work for Cuisine Royale and Enlisted games.
All new features in new-format branch.
Build requirements:
Clone the repo and install as a package:
git clone
cd wt-tools
pip install .
An usage example:
python -m wt_tools.vromfs_unpacker ~/games/WarThunder/char.vromfs.bin --metadata -O meta.json
Build executables:
pip install -r requirements-build-exe.txt
python build
- Download latest 3.7.* python x86_64 version from here.
- Run installer, check box with "Add Python 3.7 to PATH".
- Download scripts ("Download ZIP" button), extract somewhere.
- Run scripts from console, as described lower.
- Download compiled files (exe files, compressed in archive) from here, no python required.
- Unzip archive.
If you want to unpack textures, you need to find (file not provided) and place oo2core_6_win64.dll
file to wt-tools directory, near ddsx_unpack.exe.
Tool for unpacking game archives, this archives can contain any type of data:
vromfs_unpacker.exe somefile.vromfs.bin
This will unpack files from somefile.vromfs.bin
to somefile.vromfs.bin_u
- -O, --output: path where to unpack vromfs file, if omitted is FILENAME with appended _u, like some.vromfs.bin_u; if used
then, for example
vromfs_unpacker.exe somefile.vromfs.bin --output my_folder
- --metadata: if present, prints metadata of vromfs file: json with {filename: md5_hash}. If
option used, prints to file instead. - --input_filelist: pass the file with list of files you want to unpack and only this files will be unpacked.
File list should be a json array, like:
["buildtstamp", "gamedata/units/tankmodels/fr_b1_ter.blk"]
⚠️ untested
Tool for unpacking texture archives:
dxp_unpack.exe somefile.dxp.bin
This will unpack textures files from somefile.dxp.bin
to somefile.dxp.bin_u
but textures need to be unpacked with ddsx_unpack.
⚠️ untested
Tool for unpacking textures, can be used to unpack single file or folder:
ddsx_unpack.exe somefile.ddsx
This will unpack texture from somefile.ddsx
ddsx_unpack.exe some_folder
This will unpack textures from folder some_folder
to some_folder
, unpacked textures will be inside with *.dds
For unpacking most of textures, you need oo2core_6_win64.dll
, as noted in installation section and will work only in Windows.
The following files are used for the current version: blk_unpack_ng
and blk_unpack_ng_mp
Tool for unpacking blk files, that contain some text data
blk_unpack.exe somefile.blk
This will unpack file from somefile.blk
to somefile.blkx
, data will be presented as json.
If you want to get ingame format, you can use this:
blk_unpack.exe --format=strict_blk somefile.blk
This will unpack blk file to somefile.blkx
in format, that can be used by game.
If you want unpack multiple files, pass folder name instead file name:
blk_unpack.exe folder_name
This will unpack all blk filed in this folder into blkx files.
Tool for 'decrypting' *.clog
log files:
clog_unpack.exe -i some_log.clog -k keyfile.bin -o out_log.log
This will decrypt some_log.clog
with key keyfile.bin
to out_log.log
⚠️ untested
Tool for minimizing blk files, good for modders, who want to create mission, but stuck at 512kb file size limit. It will decrease size to ~ 70% from initial. For basic usage:
blk_minify.exe some_mission.blk some_mission_minified.blk
This will minify file from some_mission.blk
to some_mission_minified.blk
, without removing any structures from file.
If you want lower size file, you can try additional options:
: will remove empty objects--strip_comment_objects
: will remove comment objects--strip_disabled_objects
: remove disabled objects: the ones, which names start with __--strip_all
: select all options
For example, for minimum size:
blk_minify.exe --strip_all some_mission.blk some_mission_minified.blk
Try to launch tools from commandline, it should print some error.
Read wiki.