■ File: Create, Open, Save, Save As .., Exit
■ Edit: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Time and Date
■ Format: Background, Font
■ View: Status bar (the cursor position is shown in it - row and column)
■ Help: About
2) Upgrade the “Notepad” application to the “Notepad ++” version, in which the following functionality will be added:
■ Add Search Functions (find, find and replace, etc.)
■ Select and change interface language
■ Choosing an Interface Color Scheme
■ Select a language syntax for an open document (C #).
With this choice, the document includes syntactic highlighting of significant words, such as: while, for, if, using, etc., as well as variable names;
■ Add “Comment” and “Uncomment” buttons with the corresponding functionality;
■ Documents with the * .cs extension open immediately with highlighting;
■ Implement Multi Document Interface, in which, each document opens in a separate window;
■ Windows can be arranged differently, minimize everything, close everything, etc.