This is forked from This may not be needed after couchbase updates their library with these changes.
Spymemcached can be compiled using Apache Ant by running the following command:
This will generate binary, source, and javadoc jars in the build directory of the project.
To run the Spymemcached tests against Membase Server run the following command:
ant test -Dserver.type=membase
To test Spymemcached against Membase running on a different host use the following command:
ant test -Dserver.type=membase \
The latest version of spymemcached has a set of command line arguments that can be used to configure the location of your testing server. The arguments are listed below.
This argument is used to specify the ipv4 address of your testing server. By default it is set to localhost.
This argument is used to set the ipv6 address of your testing server. By default it is set to ::1. If an ipv6 address is specified then an ipv4 address must be specified otherwise there may be test failures.
This argument is used when memcahched is started on a port other than 11211
This argument is used for CI testing where certain unit tests might be temporarily failing.
For more information about Spymemcached see the links below:
Spymemcached Project Home contains a wiki, issue tracker, and downloads section.
The gitub page contains the latest Spymemcached source.
At you can find a download's section for the latest release as well as an extensive tutorial to help new users learn how to use Spymemcached.