Published 28 February 2023
- Connect timeout is not respected when using the HttpRequestRetry plugin (KTOR-5466)
- URLs with underscore fail to parse correctly in HTTP client request (KTOR-5591)
- Routing: Wrong content-type results in 405 instead of 415 status code with two routes (KTOR-5535)
- Compressing the response will result in unexpected ERROR log output after processing in the StatusPages (KTOR-5510)
- Javadoc for Resources.kt cannot be compiled (KTOR-5492)
- ContentNegotiation: The "charset=UTF-8" part is added for the Content-Type header (KTOR-3799)
- kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException is lost for the classes that have generic type parameters (KTOR-5448)
- OkHttp: Cancelling while writing to ByteWriteChannel when overriding WriteChannelContent causes propagation of CancellationException to a caller (KTOR-5518)