Puppet manifests by PuPHPet.com to provision a full stack box with Drupal 8 Alpha 12 (contained).
This box contains the following:
- Ubuntu Precise 12.04 LTS x64 (precise64)
- PHP 5.5
- Enabled extensions: cli intl mcrypt xmlrpc gd mysql imagick mysqlnd curl mbstring memcache memcached
- Composer
- Drush 7 (master)
- Apache 2.4
- Xdebug
- MySQL 5.5
- database/username: drupal8
- password: hackathon
Forwarded ports (guest => host):
- 80 => 8080 (http)
- 443 => 4433 (https)
- 6773 => 22 (ssh)
- 3306 => 33066 (mysql)
- 9000 => 9000 (xdebug)
Synced folders (host => guest):
- ./ => /var/www/
NFS is turned off for more compatibility among host OS's
- turn is on by changing the flag accordingly on 'puphpet/config.yaml'
Default Virtual Host is 'drupal8-hackathon.dev'
- Add it to your hosts file pointing to
- AllowOverride is All for Drupal's .htaccess support
- DocumentRoot is /var/www/drupal8 (guest)
- SSL is enabled (refer to the port forwarding)
You can alter all these and more settings on puphpet/config.yaml
- VirtualBox 4.3+
- Vagrant 1.4+
- Virtualization capable host OS and hardware
Simply install all requirements and run vagrant up
on the same directory which has the Vagrantfile
within. The first time Vagrant will provision all the defined requirements and setup your box. If you alter the settings on config.yaml
file just run a vagrant provision
and it will redo the process. Some settings such as port-forwarding require a box restart (vagrant halt && vagrant up
). Suspend your box with vagrant suspend
and access it via SSH through vagrant ssh
. All subsequent up
's will not provision your machine if it has already been provisioned.
With the box up just type in http://drupal8-hackathon.dev:8080
or https://drupal8-hackathon.dev:4433/
on the browser and Drupal 8 installation should pop up!
Be happy! ;)