- 👋 Hi, I’m @lburscheidt
- 👀 I’m interested in web development and design. I'm passionate about making online apps accessible and intuitive to use for as many humans as possible as well as beautiful.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning front end development via The Odin Project. I'm also a bit of a tinkerer and have a bunch of tech wired up in my place... an old laptop running Ubuntu, a couple of Raspberry Pis as my own cloud storage and adblocking system - you get the idea.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on anything open source that makes life easier for people.
- 📫 How to reach me: email me here!
- 😄 Pronouns: They/them or he/him.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I lived in London for a long time.
- I am currently working through The Odin Project and freeCodeCamp. Here are all the projects I've created for it so far.
Course | Project Name | My Code | My Live Preview |
1 - Foundations | Recipes | Recipes | Recipes |
1 - Foundations | Rock Paper Scissors | Rock Paper Scissors | Rock Paper Scissors |
1 - Foundations | Landing Page | Landing Page | Landing Page |
1 - Foundations | Etch-a-Sketch | Etch-a-Sketch | Etch-a-Sketch |
1 - Foundations | Calculator | Calculator | Calculator |
2 - Intermediate HTML & CSS | Sign-up Form | Sign-up Form | Sign-up Form |
3 - JavaScript | Library | Library | Library |
3 - JavaScript | Tic Tac Toe | Tic Tac Toe | Tic Tac Toe |
3 - JavaScript | Restaurant | Restaurant | Restaurant |
3 - JavaScript | To-Do List | To-Do List | To-Do List |
3 - JavaScript | Weather App | Weather App | Weather App |
3 - JavaScript | Form validation with JavaScript | Form Validation with JavaScript | Form Validation with JavaScript |
3 - JavaScript | Sign-up form with JS | Sign-up form with JS | Sign-up form with JS |
Course | Project Name | My Code | My Live Preview |
2 - JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures | Palindrome Checker | Palindrome Checker | Palindrome Checker |
2 - JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures | Roman Numeral Converter | Roman Numeral Converter | Roman Numeral Converter |
2 - JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures | Telephone Number Validator | Telephone Number Validator | Telephone Number Validator |
2 - JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures | Pokémon Search App | Pokémon Search App | Pokémon Search App |
3 - Front End Development Libraries | Random Quote Machine | Random Quote Machine | Random Quote Machine |
3 - Front End Development Libraries | Drum Machine | Drum Machine | Drum Machine |
3 - Front End Development Libraries | Markdown Previewer | Markdown Previewer | Markdown Previewer] |
3 - Front End Development Libraries | Calculator | Calculator | Calculator |
3 - Front End Development Libraries | 25 + 5 Clock | 25 + 5 Clock | 25 + 5 Clock |