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leanprover-community-mathlib4-bot committed Feb 26, 2025
2 parents aaa0b2a + e676806 commit 580a68c
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Showing 4 changed files with 7 additions and 31 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Batteries/Classes/Order.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ theorem cmp_refl [OrientedCmp cmp] : cmp x x = .eq :=
end OrientedCmp

/-- `TransCmp cmp` asserts that `cmp` induces a transitive relation. -/
class TransCmp (cmp : α → α → Ordering) extends OrientedCmp cmp : Prop where
class TransCmp (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Prop extends OrientedCmp cmp where
/-- The comparator operation is transitive. -/
le_trans : cmp x y ≠ .gt → cmp y z ≠ .gt → cmp x z ≠ .gt

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ theorem BEqCmp.cmp_iff_eq [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] [BEqCmp (α := α) cmp] : cmp
simp [BEqCmp.cmp_iff_beq]

/-- `LTCmp cmp` asserts that `cmp x y = .lt` and `x < y` coincide. -/
class LTCmp [LT α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) extends OrientedCmp cmp : Prop where
class LTCmp [LT α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Prop extends OrientedCmp cmp where
/-- `cmp x y = .lt` holds iff `x < y` is true. -/
cmp_iff_lt : cmp x y = .lt ↔ x < y

theorem LTCmp.cmp_iff_gt [LT α] [LTCmp (α := α) cmp] : cmp x y = .gt ↔ y < x := by
rw [OrientedCmp.cmp_eq_gt, LTCmp.cmp_iff_lt]

/-- `LECmp cmp` asserts that `cmp x y ≠ .gt` and `x ≤ y` coincide. -/
class LECmp [LE α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) extends OrientedCmp cmp : Prop where
class LECmp [LE α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Prop extends OrientedCmp cmp where
/-- `cmp x y ≠ .gt` holds iff `x ≤ y` is true. -/
cmp_iff_le : cmp x y ≠ .gt ↔ x ≤ y

Expand All @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ theorem LECmp.cmp_iff_ge [LE α] [LECmp (α := α) cmp] : cmp x y ≠ .lt ↔ y

/-- `LawfulCmp cmp` asserts that the `LE`, `LT`, `BEq` instances are all coherent with each other
and with `cmp`, describing a strict weak order (a linear order except for antisymmetry). -/
class LawfulCmp [LE α] [LT α] [BEq α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) extends
TransCmp cmp, BEqCmp cmp, LTCmp cmp, LECmp cmp : Prop
class LawfulCmp [LE α] [LT α] [BEq α] (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Prop extends
TransCmp cmp, BEqCmp cmp, LTCmp cmp, LECmp cmp

/-- `OrientedOrd α` asserts that the `Ord` instance satisfies `OrientedCmp`. -/
abbrev OrientedOrd (α) [Ord α] := OrientedCmp (α := α) compare
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Batteries/Data/List/Perm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ theorem Subperm.filter (p : α → Bool) ⦃l l' : List α⦄ (h : l <+~ l') :
exact ⟨_, hp.filter p, h.filter p⟩

@[simp] theorem subperm_nil : l <+~ [] ↔ l = [] :=
fun h => length_eq_zero.1 $ Nat.le_zero.1 h.length_le, by rintro rfl; rfl⟩
fun h => length_eq_zero_iff.1 $ Nat.le_zero.1 h.length_le, by rintro rfl; rfl⟩

@[simp] theorem singleton_subperm_iff {α} {l : List α} {a : α} : [a] <+~ l ↔ a ∈ l := by
refine ⟨fun ⟨s, hla, h⟩ => ?_, fun h => ⟨[a], .rfl, singleton_sublist.mpr h⟩⟩
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Batteries/Data/RBMap/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ instance (cmp cut) [@IsCut α cmp cut] : IsCut (flip cmp) (cut · |>.swap) where
`IsStrictCut` upgrades the `IsCut` property to ensure that at most one element of the tree
can match the cut, and hence `find?` will return the unique such element if one exists.
class IsStrictCut (cmp : α → α → Ordering) (cut : α → Ordering) extends IsCut cmp cut : Prop where
class IsStrictCut (cmp : α → α → Ordering) (cut : α → Ordering) : Prop extends IsCut cmp cut where
/-- If `cut = x`, then `cut` and `x` have compare the same with respect to other elements. -/
exact [TransCmp cmp] : cut x = .eq → cmp x y = cut y

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24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions Batteries/Data/UInt.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import Batteries.Classes.Order
@[ext] theorem UInt8.ext : {x y : UInt8} → x.toNat = y.toNat → x = y
| ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem UInt8.toNat_lt (x : UInt8) : x.toNat < 2 ^ 8 := x.toFin.isLt

@[simp] theorem UInt8.toUInt16_toNat (x : UInt8) : x.toUInt16.toNat = x.toNat := rfl

@[simp] theorem UInt8.toUInt32_toNat (x : UInt8) : x.toUInt32.toNat = x.toNat := rfl
Expand All @@ -26,8 +24,6 @@ instance : Batteries.LawfulOrd UInt8 := .compareOfLessAndEq
@[ext] theorem UInt16.ext : {x y : UInt16} → x.toNat = y.toNat → x = y
| ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem UInt16.toNat_lt (x : UInt16) : x.toNat < 2 ^ 16 := x.toFin.isLt

@[simp] theorem UInt16.toUInt8_toNat (x : UInt16) : x.toUInt8.toNat = x.toNat % 2 ^ 8 := rfl

@[simp] theorem UInt16.toUInt32_toNat (x : UInt16) : x.toUInt32.toNat = x.toNat := rfl
Expand All @@ -42,8 +38,6 @@ instance : Batteries.LawfulOrd UInt16 := .compareOfLessAndEq
@[ext] theorem UInt32.ext : {x y : UInt32} → x.toNat = y.toNat → x = y
| ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem UInt32.toNat_lt (x : UInt32) : x.toNat < 2 ^ 32 := x.toFin.isLt

@[simp] theorem UInt32.toUInt8_toNat (x : UInt32) : x.toUInt8.toNat = x.toNat % 2 ^ 8 := rfl

@[simp] theorem UInt32.toUInt16_toNat (x : UInt32) : x.toUInt16.toNat = x.toNat % 2 ^ 16 := rfl
Expand All @@ -58,8 +52,6 @@ instance : Batteries.LawfulOrd UInt32 := .compareOfLessAndEq
@[ext] theorem UInt64.ext : {x y : UInt64} → x.toNat = y.toNat → x = y
| ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem UInt64.toNat_lt (x : UInt64) : x.toNat < 2 ^ 64 := x.toFin.isLt

@[simp] theorem UInt64.toUInt8_toNat (x : UInt64) : x.toUInt8.toNat = x.toNat % 2 ^ 8 := rfl

@[simp] theorem UInt64.toUInt16_toNat (x : UInt64) : x.toUInt16.toNat = x.toNat % 2 ^ 16 := rfl
Expand All @@ -74,22 +66,6 @@ instance : Batteries.LawfulOrd UInt64 := .compareOfLessAndEq
@[ext] theorem USize.ext : {x y : USize} → x.toNat = y.toNat → x = y
| ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, ⟨⟨_,_⟩⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem USize.size_eq : USize.size = 2 ^ System.Platform.numBits := by
rw [USize.size]

theorem USize.le_size : 2 ^ 32 ≤ USize.size := by
rw [size_eq]
apply Nat.pow_le_pow_right (by decide)
cases System.Platform.numBits_eq <;> simp +arith [*]

theorem USize.size_le : USize.size ≤ 2 ^ 64 := by
rw [size_eq]
apply Nat.pow_le_pow_right (by decide)
cases System.Platform.numBits_eq <;> simp +arith [*]

theorem USize.toNat_lt (x : USize) : x.toNat < 2 ^ System.Platform.numBits := by
rw [←USize.size_eq]; exact x.toFin.isLt

@[simp] theorem USize.toUInt64_toNat (x : USize) : x.toUInt64.toNat = x.toNat := by
simp only [USize.toUInt64, UInt64.toNat]; rfl

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