Part1 - EDA
Part2 - Predict
Part3 - Blog post
Kaggle Competition. This project includes exploratory data analysis(notebooks) and prediction scripts.
Problem: 130 anonymized features. Predict whether taking each trading opportunities will result in profit for a whole year.
- anonymized set of features, feature_{0...129}, representing real stock market data.
- each row in the dataset represents a trading opportunity, for which you will be predicting an action value: 1 to make the trade and 0 to pass on it.
- each trade has an associated weight and resp, which together represents a return on the trade.
- date column is an integer which represents the day of the trade, while ts_id represents a time ordering.
- in addition to anonymized feature values, you are provided with metadata about the features in features.csv. cred:
Modules used: numpy, pandas, tensorflow, tqdm, random, datatable, sklearn, gc, seaborn, matplotlib, plotly, defaultdict
INSTRUCTION although I don't recommend you to run this since this is specifically for Jane Street ANONYMIZED FEATURES competition..
input folder - Put the feature.csv, train.csv from and imputed_df.csv from (
src folder - scripts are stored here. Just run python to clean and train and save model to models folder. is to submit for Kaggle competition.
model folder - the models are saved here
output folder - the output cleaned data are saved here
notebook folder - notebooks used for EDA and feature engineering and training are here.