A Brazilian Graphic Designer / Product Designer / Service Designer / Hacker... Someone that loves to solve a puzzle.
😄 Pronouns: She/They
📚 I’m currently learning: React and React Native
🛠 I’m looking to collaborate on: Open Source Projects about Social Change, Women Empowerment and LGBTQ+ Rights.
💬 Ask me about: UX Design, Graphic Design, Front-end Development, Arduino, Portuguese, Anything.
📫 How to reach me:
- Email: mailto:[email protected]
- LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/lenamiroux/
- Behance: http://behance.net/lenamiroux
🖖 Fun fact: I REALLY love tea, sci-fi, cats and Lego. And if left unattended I will spend all my money in stationary, electronics and things for my cats.