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experiment: applying/separating phases for aspects
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Only using this stuff in transits, as those are the only ones where
the aspecting body is guaranteed to be the fastest. For natal charts,
I'll probably need a "HasSpeed" class to generalize to axes.

What a difference coding in the morning makes!

This addresses #18, in part.

  • Loading branch information
lfborjas committed Dec 23, 2020
1 parent f2f7f1b commit 8a90684
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Showing 6 changed files with 188 additions and 128 deletions.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/Ephemeris/Aspect.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,3 +123,39 @@ findAspectsByName :: [HoroscopeAspect a b] -> AspectName -> [HoroscopeAspect a b
findAspectsByName aspectList name =
& filter (\HoroscopeAspect {..} -> (aspect & aspectName) == name)

-- | Is the aspecting body approaching, or leaving, exactitude?
-- NOTE: we assume that the aspected body is static, which is a correct
-- assumption for transits, in which the aspected natal bodies are fixed,
-- but it's not necessarily correct for natal charts, in which both
-- bodies were in motion.
-- More on these:
aspectPhase :: HasLongitude a => HoroscopeAspect PlanetPosition a -> AspectPhase
aspectPhase HoroscopeAspect {..} =
if isMovingTowards then
isMovingTowards = isDirect && isApproaching
isDirect = (== 1) . signum . planetLngSpeed $ aspectingPlanet
isApproaching = (< 1) . signum $ eclipticDifference aspectingPlanet aspectedPoint
aspectingPlanet = bodies & fst
aspectedPoint = bodies & snd

-- TODO(luis): maybe we can use this in the aspect calculation, and anywhere
-- where we need to account for "0/360 jumps"?
-- still not
eclipticDifference :: (HasLongitude a, HasLongitude b) => a -> b -> Double
eclipticDifference a b =
if ((abs diff) >= biggerThanAnyAspect) then
lB - lA
biggerThanAnyAspect = 200
diff = lA - lB
lA = getLongitudeRaw a
lB = getLongitudeRaw b
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Ephemeris/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Ephemeris.Types
, AspectName(..)
, AspectTemperament(..)
, AspectType(..)
, AspectPhase(..)
, Aspect(..)
, HoroscopeAspect(..)
, Latitude(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,6 +165,15 @@ data AspectType
| Minor
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)

data AspectPhase
= Applying
| Separating
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)

instance HasLabel AspectPhase where
label Applying = "a"
label Separating = "s"

data Aspect = Aspect
{ aspectName :: AspectName
, maxOrb :: Double
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Views/Chart/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,6 +241,19 @@ aspectCell (Just HoroscopeAspect {..}) =
" "
htmlDegrees' (True, False) orb

-- | aspect cell, but specialized to the aspecting body being a planet.
planetaryAspectCell :: HasLongitude a => Maybe (HoroscopeAspect PlanetPosition a) -> Html ()
planetaryAspectCell Nothing = mempty
planetaryAspectCell (Just (a@HoroscopeAspect {..})) =
span_ [aspectColorStyle aspect] $ do
asIcon . aspectName $ aspect
" "
htmlDegrees' (True, False) orb
span_ [class_ "text-tiny tooltip", data_ "tooltip" (pack . show $ phase)] $ do
toHtml . pack . label $ phase
phase = aspectPhase a

aspectColorStyle :: Aspect -> Attribute
aspectColorStyle aspect =
class_ ("text-" <> (aspectClass . temperament $ aspect))
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Views/Transits.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ aspectsHeading =
heading [
justifyAspecting "Aspecting", justifyAspect "Aspect"
, justifyAspected "Aspected", justifyDouble "Angle"
, justifyDouble "Orb"
, justifyDouble "Orb", "Phase"

transitActivity :: HasLabel a => Text -> UTCTime -> [(TransitAspect a, Transit a)] -> (Writer Text ())
transitActivity :: (HasLabel a, HasLongitude a) => Text -> UTCTime -> [(TransitAspect a, Transit a)] -> (Writer Text ())
transitActivity extraHeading moment transits' = do
ln_ ""
ln_ $ "All Aspects " <> extraHeading
ln_ $ "~~~~~~~~~~~~" <> pack (repeat '~' & take (T.length extraHeading))
ln_ aspectsHeading
forM_ (transitAspects transits') $ \(HoroscopeAspect aspect (aspecting, aspected) angle orb) -> do
forM_ (transitAspects transits') $ \a@(HoroscopeAspect aspect (aspecting, aspected) angle orb) -> do
tell . justifyAspecting . labelText . planetName $ aspecting
tell "|"
tell . justifyAspect . labelText . aspectName $ aspect
Expand All @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ transitActivity extraHeading moment transits' = do
tell . justifyDouble . pack $ formatDouble angle
tell "|"
tell . justifyDouble . pack $ formatDouble orb
tell "|"
tell . pack . show $ aspectPhase a
ln_ ""
ln_ ""
ln_ $ "Active Transits " <> extraHeading
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,10 +255,10 @@ transitAspectDetailsTable transitingPlanets planetTransits angleTransits =
" (tr)"
forM_ (defaultPlanets & sort) $ \transitedPlanet -> do
td_ [style_ "border: 1px solid", class_ "text-small"] $ do
aspectCell $ findAspectWithPlanet (transitAspects planetTransits) transitingPlanet transitedPlanet
planetaryAspectCell $ findAspectWithPlanet (transitAspects planetTransits) transitingPlanet transitedPlanet

td_ [style_ "border: 1px solid", class_ "text-small"] $ do
aspectCell $ findAspectWithAngle (transitAspects angleTransits) transitingPlanet I
planetaryAspectCell $ findAspectWithAngle (transitAspects angleTransits) transitingPlanet I

td_ [style_ "border: 1px solid", class_ "text-small"] $ do
aspectCell $ findAspectWithAngle (transitAspects angleTransits) transitingPlanet X
planetaryAspectCell $ findAspectWithAngle (transitAspects angleTransits) transitingPlanet X
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/Ephemeris/TransitSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Ephemeris.TransitSpec (spec) where

import Ephemeris
import Test.Hspec (xit, Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Ephemeris.Transit (ExactTransit (..), findExactTransit, findExactTransitAround)

exactAt :: Double -> ExactTransit JulianTime
exactAt = ExactAt . JulianTime
Expand Down
242 changes: 121 additions & 121 deletions test/files/transitsText/golden
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,111 +43,111 @@ Planetary Transits

All Aspects to Natal Planets
Aspecting|Aspect |Aspected |Angle |Orb
Sun |Conjunction |Moon |4.5267 |4.5267
Sun |Conjunction |Venus |6.3003 |6.3003
Sun |Trine |Mars |112.2389|7.7611
Sun |BiQuintile |Jupiter |145.7405|1.7405
Sun |Conjunction |Saturn |5.5259 |5.5259
Sun |Conjunction |Uranus |1.3798 |1.3798
Sun |Conjunction |Neptune |9.4334 |9.4334
Sun |SemiSquare |Pluto |45.9997 |0.9997
Sun |Square |Lilith |94.3799 |4.3799
Sun |Opposition |Chiron |177.1679|2.8321
Moon |Square |Moon |95.7085 |5.7085
Moon |Sextile |Mercury |57.2126 |2.7874
Moon |Square |Venus |97.4821 |7.4821
Moon |Sextile |Jupiter |54.5587 |5.4413
Moon |Square |Saturn |85.6559 |4.3441
Moon |Square |Uranus |89.8020 |0.1980
Moon |Square |Neptune |81.7484 |8.2516
Moon |Sesquisquare|Pluto |137.1815|2.1815
Moon |Opposition |Lilith |185.5617|5.5617
Moon |Square |Chiron |91.6503 |1.6503
Mercury |Conjunction |Moon |5.6315 |5.6315
Mercury |SemiSextile |Mercury |32.8645 |2.8645
Mercury |Conjunction |Venus |7.4051 |7.4051
Mercury |Trine |Mars |111.1341|8.8659
Mercury |BiQuintile |Jupiter |144.6358|0.6358
Mercury |Conjunction |Saturn |4.4211 |4.4211
Mercury |Conjunction |Uranus |0.2751 |0.2751
Mercury |Conjunction |Neptune |8.3286 |8.3286
Mercury |SemiSquare |Pluto |47.1045 |2.1045
Mercury |Sextile |Mean Node|65.7165 |5.7165
Mercury |Square |Lilith |95.4847 |5.4847
Mercury |Opposition |Chiron |178.2727|1.7273
Venus |Sextile |Mercury |56.6428 |3.3572
Venus |Sesquisquare|Mars |134.9125|0.0875
Venus |SemiSextile |Saturn |28.1994 |1.8006
Venus |SemiSextile |Neptune |32.1069 |2.1069
Venus |Square |Mean Node|89.4948 |0.5052
Venus |Quintile |Lilith |71.7063 |0.2937
Mars |Square |Sun |97.4128 |7.4128
Mars |Trine |Moon |117.1750|2.8250
Mars |Trine |Venus |118.9486|1.0514
Mars |Conjunction |Mars |0.4094 |0.4094
Mars |Trine |Uranus |111.2685|8.7315
Mars |SemiSquare |Mean Node|45.8270 |0.8270
Mars |Quincunx |Lilith |152.9718|2.9718
Mars |Quintile |Chiron |70.1838 |1.8162
Jupiter |Conjunction |Mercury |4.0985 |4.0985
Jupiter |Square |Mars |82.3681 |7.6319
Jupiter |Trine |Jupiter |115.8697|4.1303
Jupiter |SemiSextile |Uranus |28.4910 |1.5090
Jupiter |Trine |Lilith |124.2507|4.2507
Jupiter |Quincunx |Chiron |152.9613|2.9613
Saturn |Conjunction |Mercury |4.1353 |4.1353
Saturn |Square |Mars |82.4050 |7.5950
Saturn |Trine |Jupiter |115.9066|4.0934
Saturn |SemiSextile |Uranus |28.4541 |1.5459
Saturn |Trine |Lilith |124.2138|4.2138
Saturn |Quincunx |Chiron |152.9982|2.9982
Uranus |Trine |Sun |111.0294|8.9706
Uranus |Square |Mercury |92.2956 |2.2956
Uranus |Sesquisquare|Venus |132.5652|2.4348
Uranus |Trine |Saturn |120.7390|0.7390
Uranus |Trine |Uranus |124.8850|4.8850
Uranus |Trine |Neptune |116.8315|3.1685
Uranus |Opposition |Pluto |172.2646|7.7354
Uranus |Sextile |Mean Node|59.4436 |0.5564
Uranus |Sextile |Chiron |56.5672 |3.4328
Neptune |Sextile |Sun |62.3926 |2.3926
Neptune |Square |Moon |82.1548 |7.8452
Neptune |SemiSquare |Mercury |43.6588 |1.3412
Neptune |Square |Venus |83.9284 |6.0716
Neptune |Quintile |Saturn |72.1022 |0.1022
Neptune |Trine |Pluto |123.6278|3.6278
Neptune |Opposition |Lilith |172.0080|7.9920
Pluto |Conjunction |Sun |7.9486 |7.9486
Pluto |SemiSextile |Moon |27.7108 |2.2892
Pluto |SemiSextile |Venus |29.4844 |0.5156
Pluto |Square |Mars |89.0548 |0.9452
Pluto |Trine |Jupiter |122.5565|2.5565
Pluto |SemiSquare |Mean Node|43.6372 |1.3628
Pluto |Trine |Lilith |117.5640|2.4360
Mean Node|Opposition |Moon |173.2215|6.7785
Mean Node|Sesquisquare|Mercury |134.7255|0.2745
Mean Node|Opposition |Venus |174.9951|5.0049
Mean Node|Sextile |Mars |56.4559 |3.5441
Mean Node|BiQuintile |Pluto |145.3055|1.3055
Mean Node|Square |Lilith |96.9253 |6.9253
Lilith |Trine |Sun |110.9572|9.0428
Lilith |Square |Mercury |92.2234 |2.2234
Lilith |Sesquisquare|Venus |132.4930|2.5070
Lilith |Trine |Saturn |120.6668|0.6668
Lilith |Trine |Uranus |124.8129|4.8129
Lilith |Trine |Neptune |116.7593|3.2407
Lilith |Opposition |Pluto |172.1924|7.8076
Lilith |Sextile |Mean Node|59.3714 |0.6286
Lilith |Sextile |Chiron |56.6394 |3.3606
Chiron |Square |Moon |98.7972 |8.7972
Chiron |Sextile |Mercury |60.3012 |0.3012
Chiron |Square |Saturn |88.7445 |1.2555
Chiron |Square |Uranus |92.8906 |2.8906
Chiron |Square |Neptune |84.8371 |5.1629
Chiron |SemiSextile |Mean Node|27.4492 |2.5508
Chiron |Opposition |Lilith |188.6503|8.6503
Chiron |Square |Chiron |88.5616 |1.4384
Aspecting|Aspect |Aspected |Angle |Orb |Phase
Sun |Conjunction |Moon |4.5267 |4.5267 |Separating
Sun |Conjunction |Venus |6.3003 |6.3003 |Separating
Sun |Trine |Mars |112.2389|7.7611 |Applying
Sun |BiQuintile |Jupiter |145.7405|1.7405 |Applying
Sun |Conjunction |Saturn |5.5259 |5.5259 |Applying
Sun |Conjunction |Uranus |1.3798 |1.3798 |Applying
Sun |Conjunction |Neptune |9.4334 |9.4334 |Applying
Sun |SemiSquare |Pluto |45.9997 |0.9997 |Separating
Sun |Square |Lilith |94.3799 |4.3799 |Separating
Sun |Opposition |Chiron |177.1679|2.8321 |Separating
Moon |Square |Moon |95.7085 |5.7085 |Separating
Moon |Sextile |Mercury |57.2126 |2.7874 |Separating
Moon |Square |Venus |97.4821 |7.4821 |Separating
Moon |Sextile |Jupiter |54.5587 |5.4413 |Applying
Moon |Square |Saturn |85.6559 |4.3441 |Separating
Moon |Square |Uranus |89.8020 |0.1980 |Separating
Moon |Square |Neptune |81.7484 |8.2516 |Separating
Moon |Sesquisquare|Pluto |137.1815|2.1815 |Separating
Moon |Opposition |Lilith |185.5617|5.5617 |Applying
Moon |Square |Chiron |91.6503 |1.6503 |Applying
Mercury |Conjunction |Moon |5.6315 |5.6315 |Separating
Mercury |SemiSextile |Mercury |32.8645 |2.8645 |Applying
Mercury |Conjunction |Venus |7.4051 |7.4051 |Separating
Mercury |Trine |Mars |111.1341|8.8659 |Applying
Mercury |BiQuintile |Jupiter |144.6358|0.6358 |Applying
Mercury |Conjunction |Saturn |4.4211 |4.4211 |Applying
Mercury |Conjunction |Uranus |0.2751 |0.2751 |Applying
Mercury |Conjunction |Neptune |8.3286 |8.3286 |Applying
Mercury |SemiSquare |Pluto |47.1045 |2.1045 |Separating
Mercury |Sextile |Mean Node|65.7165 |5.7165 |Applying
Mercury |Square |Lilith |95.4847 |5.4847 |Separating
Mercury |Opposition |Chiron |178.2727|1.7273 |Separating
Venus |Sextile |Mercury |56.6428 |3.3572 |Applying
Venus |Sesquisquare|Mars |134.9125|0.0875 |Applying
Venus |SemiSextile |Saturn |28.1994 |1.8006 |Applying
Venus |SemiSextile |Neptune |32.1069 |2.1069 |Applying
Venus |Square |Mean Node|89.4948 |0.5052 |Applying
Venus |Quintile |Lilith |71.7063 |0.2937 |Separating
Mars |Square |Sun |97.4128 |7.4128 |Separating
Mars |Trine |Moon |117.1750|2.8250 |Separating
Mars |Trine |Venus |118.9486|1.0514 |Separating
Mars |Conjunction |Mars |0.4094 |0.4094 |Separating
Mars |Trine |Uranus |111.2685|8.7315 |Separating
Mars |SemiSquare |Mean Node|45.8270 |0.8270 |Separating
Mars |Quincunx |Lilith |152.9718|2.9718 |Applying
Mars |Quintile |Chiron |70.1838 |1.8162 |Applying
Jupiter |Conjunction |Mercury |4.0985 |4.0985 |Applying
Jupiter |Square |Mars |82.3681 |7.6319 |Applying
Jupiter |Trine |Jupiter |115.8697|4.1303 |Applying
Jupiter |SemiSextile |Uranus |28.4910 |1.5090 |Separating
Jupiter |Trine |Lilith |124.2507|4.2507 |Separating
Jupiter |Quincunx |Chiron |152.9613|2.9613 |Applying
Saturn |Conjunction |Mercury |4.1353 |4.1353 |Applying
Saturn |Square |Mars |82.4050 |7.5950 |Applying
Saturn |Trine |Jupiter |115.9066|4.0934 |Applying
Saturn |SemiSextile |Uranus |28.4541 |1.5459 |Separating
Saturn |Trine |Lilith |124.2138|4.2138 |Separating
Saturn |Quincunx |Chiron |152.9982|2.9982 |Applying
Uranus |Trine |Sun |111.0294|8.9706 |Separating
Uranus |Square |Mercury |92.2956 |2.2956 |Separating
Uranus |Sesquisquare|Venus |132.5652|2.4348 |Separating
Uranus |Trine |Saturn |120.7390|0.7390 |Separating
Uranus |Trine |Uranus |124.8850|4.8850 |Separating
Uranus |Trine |Neptune |116.8315|3.1685 |Separating
Uranus |Opposition |Pluto |172.2646|7.7354 |Separating
Uranus |Sextile |Mean Node|59.4436 |0.5564 |Separating
Uranus |Sextile |Chiron |56.5672 |3.4328 |Separating
Neptune |Sextile |Sun |62.3926 |2.3926 |Separating
Neptune |Square |Moon |82.1548 |7.8452 |Separating
Neptune |SemiSquare |Mercury |43.6588 |1.3412 |Separating
Neptune |Square |Venus |83.9284 |6.0716 |Separating
Neptune |Quintile |Saturn |72.1022 |0.1022 |Separating
Neptune |Trine |Pluto |123.6278|3.6278 |Separating
Neptune |Opposition |Lilith |172.0080|7.9920 |Separating
Pluto |Conjunction |Sun |7.9486 |7.9486 |Separating
Pluto |SemiSextile |Moon |27.7108 |2.2892 |Separating
Pluto |SemiSextile |Venus |29.4844 |0.5156 |Separating
Pluto |Square |Mars |89.0548 |0.9452 |Applying
Pluto |Trine |Jupiter |122.5565|2.5565 |Applying
Pluto |SemiSquare |Mean Node|43.6372 |1.3628 |Applying
Pluto |Trine |Lilith |117.5640|2.4360 |Separating
Mean Node|Opposition |Moon |173.2215|6.7785 |Separating
Mean Node|Sesquisquare|Mercury |134.7255|0.2745 |Separating
Mean Node|Opposition |Venus |174.9951|5.0049 |Separating
Mean Node|Sextile |Mars |56.4559 |3.5441 |Separating
Mean Node|BiQuintile |Pluto |145.3055|1.3055 |Separating
Mean Node|Square |Lilith |96.9253 |6.9253 |Separating
Lilith |Trine |Sun |110.9572|9.0428 |Separating
Lilith |Square |Mercury |92.2234 |2.2234 |Separating
Lilith |Sesquisquare|Venus |132.4930|2.5070 |Separating
Lilith |Trine |Saturn |120.6668|0.6668 |Separating
Lilith |Trine |Uranus |124.8129|4.8129 |Separating
Lilith |Trine |Neptune |116.7593|3.2407 |Separating
Lilith |Opposition |Pluto |172.1924|7.8076 |Applying
Lilith |Sextile |Mean Node|59.3714 |0.6286 |Separating
Lilith |Sextile |Chiron |56.6394 |3.3606 |Applying
Chiron |Square |Moon |98.7972 |8.7972 |Separating
Chiron |Sextile |Mercury |60.3012 |0.3012 |Separating
Chiron |Square |Saturn |88.7445 |1.2555 |Separating
Chiron |Square |Uranus |92.8906 |2.8906 |Separating
Chiron |Square |Neptune |84.8371 |5.1629 |Separating
Chiron |SemiSextile |Mean Node|27.4492 |2.5508 |Separating
Chiron |Opposition |Lilith |188.6503|8.6503 |Applying
Chiron |Square |Chiron |88.5616 |1.4384 |Applying

Active Transits to Natal Planets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,22 +184,22 @@ Axes Transits

All Aspects to Natal Axes
Aspecting|Aspect |Aspected |Angle |Orb
Sun |Sextile |Asc |65.2743 |5.2743
Moon |Trine |MC |112.2795|7.7205
Venus |SemiSquare |Asc |42.6007 |2.3993
Venus |Sesquisquare|MC |133.8651|1.1349
Mars |Opposition |Asc |177.9226|2.0774
Mars |Square |MC |90.8130 |0.8130
Jupiter |Square |Asc |95.1451 |5.1451
Jupiter |Opposition |MC |186.4095|6.4095
Saturn |Square |Asc |95.1082 |5.1082
Saturn |Opposition |MC |186.3726|6.3726
Neptune |BiQuintile |Asc |142.9023|1.0977
Neptune |Trine |MC |125.8332|5.8332
Pluto |Square |Asc |88.4584 |1.5416
Pluto |Opposition |MC |179.7228|0.2772
Mean Node|Trine |Asc |126.0310|6.0310
Aspecting|Aspect |Aspected |Angle |Orb |Phase
Sun |Sextile |Asc |65.2743 |5.2743 |Separating
Moon |Trine |MC |112.2795|7.7205 |Applying
Venus |SemiSquare |Asc |42.6007 |2.3993 |Separating
Venus |Sesquisquare|MC |133.8651|1.1349 |Separating
Mars |Opposition |Asc |177.9226|2.0774 |Applying
Mars |Square |MC |90.8130 |0.8130 |Applying
Jupiter |Square |Asc |95.1451 |5.1451 |Separating
Jupiter |Opposition |MC |186.4095|6.4095 |Separating
Saturn |Square |Asc |95.1082 |5.1082 |Separating
Saturn |Opposition |MC |186.3726|6.3726 |Separating
Neptune |BiQuintile |Asc |142.9023|1.0977 |Separating
Neptune |Trine |MC |125.8332|5.8332 |Applying
Pluto |Square |Asc |88.4584 |1.5416 |Separating
Pluto |Opposition |MC |179.7228|0.2772 |Separating
Mean Node|Trine |Asc |126.0310|6.0310 |Separating

Active Transits to Natal Axes
Expand Down

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