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Merge pull request #57 from isaacl/updateTimeMethods
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time.scala improvements
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ornicar authored Sep 16, 2024
2 parents 15826a2 + 8a88b93 commit 7e1d5e1
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 44 deletions.
108 changes: 64 additions & 44 deletions core/src/main/scala/time.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,67 +7,87 @@ import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

// about java.time
object time:
// private vals are faster (accessed as a static member).
private val utc_ = ZoneOffset.UTC

val utcZone = ZoneOffset.UTC
val utcZone = utc_

extension (d: LocalDate) def adjust(a: TemporalAdjuster): LocalDate = d.`with`(a)

extension (d: LocalDateTime)
def toMillis: Long = d.toInstant(utcZone).toEpochMilli
def toSeconds: Long = toMillis / 1000
def toCentis: Long = toMillis / 10
def instant: Instant = d.toInstant(utcZone)
def toMillis: Long = d.toInstant(utc_).toEpochMilli
def toSeconds: Int = Math.toIntExact(d.toEpochSecond(utc_))
def toCentis: Long = toMillis / 10L
def instant: Instant = d.toInstant(utc_)
def date: LocalDate = d.toLocalDate
def toNow: Duration = instant.toNow
def isBeforeNow: Boolean = d.isBefore(
def isAfterNow: Boolean = d.isAfter(
def isBeforeNow: Boolean = instant.isBeforeNow
def isAfterNow: Boolean = instant.isAfterNow
def atMost(other: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime = if other.isBefore(d) then other else d
def atLeast(other: LocalDateTime): LocalDateTime = if other.isAfter(d) then other else d
def withTimeAtStartOfDay: LocalDateTime = d.toLocalDate.atStartOfDay
def plus(dur: concDur.Duration): LocalDateTime =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
def minus(dur: concDur.Duration): LocalDateTime = d.minus(dur.toMillis, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
def plus(dur: concDur.Duration): LocalDateTime = instant.plusMillis(dur.toMillis).dateTime
def minus(dur: concDur.Duration): LocalDateTime = instant.minusMillis(dur.toMillis).dateTime
def adjust(a: TemporalAdjuster): LocalDateTime = d.`with`(a)

extension (d: Instant)
def toMillis: Long = d.toEpochMilli
def toSeconds: Long = toMillis / 1000
def toCentis: Long = toMillis / 10
def date: LocalDate = LocalDate.ofInstant(d, utcZone)
def dateTime: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(d, utcZone)
def toNow: Duration = Duration.between(d,
def isBeforeNow: Boolean = d.isBefore(
def isAfterNow: Boolean = d.isAfter(
def atMost(other: Instant): Instant = if other.isBefore(d) then other else d
def atLeast(other: Instant): Instant = if other.isAfter(d) then other else d
def withTimeAtStartOfDay: Instant = date.atStartOfDay(utcZone).toInstant
def plus(dur: concDur.Duration): Instant =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
def minus(dur: concDur.Duration): Instant = d.minus(dur.toMillis, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
def plusMinutes(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusMinutes(v).instant
def minusMinutes(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusMinutes(v).instant
def plusHours(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusHours(v).instant
def minusHours(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusHours(v).instant
def plusDays(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusDays(v).instant
def minusDays(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusDays(v).instant
def plusWeeks(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusWeeks(v).instant
def minusWeeks(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusWeeks(v).instant
def plusMonths(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusMonths(v).instant
def minusMonths(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusMonths(v).instant
def plusYears(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusYears(v).instant
def minusYears(v: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusYears(v).instant
def adjust(a: TemporalAdjuster): Instant = d.`with`(a)
extension (i: Instant)
def toMillis: Long = i.toEpochMilli
def toSeconds: Long = toMillis / 1000L
def toCentis: Long = toMillis / 10L
def date: LocalDate = LocalDate.ofInstant(i, utc_)
def dateTime: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(i, utc_)
def toNow: Duration = Duration.between(i,
def isBeforeNow: Boolean = i.isBefore(
def isAfterNow: Boolean = i.isAfter(
def atMost(other: Instant): Instant = if other.isBefore(i) then other else i
def atLeast(other: Instant): Instant = if other.isAfter(i) then other else i
def withTimeAtStartOfDay: Instant = date.atStartOfDay(utc_).toInstant
def plus(dur: concDur.Duration): Instant = i.plusMillis(dur.toMillis)
def minus(dur: concDur.Duration): Instant = i.minusMillis(dur.toMillis)
def adjust(a: TemporalAdjuster): Instant = i.`with`(a)

// These methods add time in LocalDateTime space and then convert back to
// an Instant using the UTC timezone. These conversions can lead to unexpected
// results. For example, adding a minute to an Instant that's close to a leap
// second will result in an Instant that's 61 seconds later than the original.
// And adding a month or year is not well defined for Instants, but ambiguity
// is resolved through the UTC trampoline.
// Regardless of whether these methods do too much implicitly, they are what
// one normally wants for adjusting Instants in a service that uses UTC.
def plusMinutes(m: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusMinutes(m).instant
def minusMinutes(m: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusMinutes(m).instant
def plusHours(h: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusHours(h).instant
def minusHours(h: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusHours(h).instant
def plusDays(d: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusDays(d).instant
def minusDays(d: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusDays(d).instant
def plusWeeks(w: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusWeeks(w).instant
def minusWeeks(w: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusWeeks(w).instant
def plusMonths(m: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusMonths(m).instant
def minusMonths(m: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusMonths(m).instant
def plusYears(y: Int): Instant = dateTime.plusYears(y).instant
def minusYears(y: Int): Instant = dateTime.minusYears(y).instant

// These methods guarantee that the resulting instant is exactly the
// specified amount away from the original instant.
def plusStdMinutes(m: Int): Instant =
def minusStdMinutes(m: Int): Instant = i.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(m))
def plusStdHours(h: Int): Instant =
def minusStdHours(h: Int): Instant = i.minus(Duration.ofHours(h))
def plusStdDays(d: Int): Instant =
def minusStdDays(d: Int): Instant = i.minus(Duration.ofDays(d))

// DateTimeFormatter is very dangerous as it throws exceptions where it could instead fail at compile time.
// format(instant) for instance can fail with `exception[[UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: YearOfEra`
// or `java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: OffsetSeconds`
// use `print` instead to ensure all fields are provided
extension (d: DateTimeFormatter)
def print(date: LocalDate): String = d.format(date)
def print(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = d.format(dateTime.atOffset(utcZone))
def print(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = d.format(dateTime.atOffset(utc_))
def print(instant: Instant): String = print(instant.dateTime)

case class TimeInterval(start: Instant, end: Instant):
def overlaps(other: TimeInterval): Boolean = start.isBefore(other.end) && other.start.isBefore(end)
def contains(date: Instant): Boolean = (start == date || start.isBefore(date)) && end.isAfter(date)
def contains(date: Instant): Boolean = !start.isAfter(date) && end.isAfter(date)

object TimeInterval:
def apply(start: Instant, duration: Duration): TimeInterval =
Expand All @@ -76,13 +96,13 @@ object time:
def millisToInstant(millis: Long): Instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis)
def millisToDateTime(millis: Long): LocalDateTime = millisToInstant(millis).dateTime

inline def nowDateTime: LocalDateTime =
inline def nowDateTime: LocalDateTime =
inline def nowInstant: Instant =
inline def nowNanos: Long = System.nanoTime()
inline def nowMillis: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
inline def nowCentis: Long = nowMillis / 10
inline def nowTenths: Long = nowMillis / 100
inline def nowSeconds: Int = (nowMillis / 1000).toInt
inline def nowCentis: Long = nowMillis / 10L
inline def nowTenths: Long = nowMillis / 100L
inline def nowSeconds: Int = (nowMillis / 1000L).toInt // Guaranteed to not overflow until 2038

def instantOf(year: Int, month: Int, dayOfMonth: Int, hour: Int, minute: Int) =
java.time.LocalDateTime.of(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute).instant
Expand All @@ -93,5 +113,5 @@ object time:
def daysBetween(from: Instant, to: Instant): Int =
ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(from, to).toInt

val isoDateTimeFormatter = java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.withZone(utcZone)
val isoInstantFormatter = java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.withZone(utcZone)
val isoDateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.withZone(utc_)
val isoInstantFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.withZone(utc_)

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