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File metadata and controls

263 lines (210 loc) · 6.94 KB

Maven Central License: MIT

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It provies a set of built-in CRUD operations,to eliminates redundant boilerplate code development.

The api it exports for building sql is fluent, graceful. Under the hood,it uses AST(abstract syntax tree) and Visitor pattern to build sql source,which is also graceful.

Getting Started

⚠️ It's required that mybatis version >= 3.5.1


Make your mapper extend io.github.light0x00.mybatisext.BaseMapper,and specify your entity as the generic parameterized type.

public interface UserMapper extends BaseMapper<User> {

@TableName(schema = "test")
public class User {
    @Column(primary = true)
    private Long pkId;
    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    private String email;

So far,the preparation is done. You are ready to use the CRUD operations provided by BaseMapper.

Example 1,general query

List<User> SelectCondition()

Equivalent to:

select * from test.user where email like '' and (name = 'light' or age > 18)

Example 2,grouping and aggregation

List<Map<String, Object>> maps = userMapper.selectMaps(new SelectCondition()
				.select("age", "count(1) as number")
				.having(cond ->"age", 20))
				.orderByClause("number desc")

Equivalent to:

select age,count(1) as number from test.user group by age having age>20 order by number desc

Example 3,cursor

try (Cursor<User> cursor = userMapper.selectCursor(new SelectCondition().gt("age", 1))) {
} catch (IOException e) {

Example 4,increment and decrement

userMapper.updateByCondition(new UpdateCondition()
        .incr("age", 3)
        .eq("pk_id", 1)

TEquivalent to:

update test.user set age=age+3 where pk_id=1


BaseMapper provides the following CRUD operations:


  • int insert(T entity)
  • int insertIgnore(T entity)
  • int insertOnDupKey(T entity, InsertCondition condition)


  • T getById(Serializable id)
  • List<T> select(SelectCondition condition)
  • T selectOne(SelectCondition condition)
  • long selectCount(SelectCondition condition)
  • Cursor<T> selectCursor(SelectCondition condition)
  • List<Map<String, Object>> selectMaps(SelectCondition condition)


  • int updateById(T entity)
  • int update(T entity, UpdateCondition condition)
  • int updateByCondition(UpdateCondition condition)


  • int deleteById(Serializable id)
  • int delete(DeleteCondition condition)

Condition to build sql

Some of the api are easy to understand. they receive an id or entity as parameter.

The others receive a XXCondition as parameter, to build complex sql.

  • SelectCondition,being used to build where condition,and the columns part of select sql. SelectCondition()
      				.select("name", "email")
      				.gt("age", 20)
      				.like("email", "")
      				.orderByClause("age desc")

    Equivalent to:

      select name,email from test.user where age>20 or email like '' order by age desc
  • UpdateCondition,being used to build where condition, and the set part of update sql.

    userMapper.updateByCondition(new UpdateCondition()
                    .set("name", "Jack")
                    .incr("age", 3)
                    .eq("pk_id", 1)

    Equivalent to:

    update test.user set name='Jack',age=age+3 where pk_id=1

    Also,you can use a entity to specify which column to be updated. The non-null property of an entity will effect the set part of update sql.

    User user = new User();
        user.setEmail("[email protected]");
    userMapper.update(user, new UpdateCondition().eq("pk_id", 2));
  • DeleteCondition,being used to build where condition

    userMapper.delete(new DeleteCondition().in("name", "alice","bob"));

    Equivalent to:

    delete from user where name in ("alice","bob")
  • InsertCondition,at present, it only used to build sql synax insert on duplicates (Only supported by mysql )

    User user = new User();
    user.setEmail("[email protected]");
    userMapper.insertOnDupKey(user, new InsertCondition()
                .updateValueOnDupKey("name", "light2")

    Equivalent to:

    insert into test.user ( pk_id, name, age, email ) values( 1L, "light", 2, "[email protected]" ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name="light2"

Build Complex Sql Where Condition

In the real world, The "sql where condition" could be very complex. The conjuction and and or may combine lots of nested conditions. The following demonstrate how to build a complex condition using SelectCondition . (It's same for both of UpdateCondition and DeleteCondition)

  • c1 = v1 and c2 = v2
    new SelectCondition().eq("c1", "v1").and().eq("c2", "v2")
  • c1 = v1 and (c2= v2 or c3 = v3)
    new SelectCondition()
                .eq("c1", "v1")
                        (nested) -> nested.eq("c2", "v2").or().eq("c3", "v3")
  • c1 = v1 or c2 = v2
    new SelectCondition().eq("c1", "v1").or().eq("c2", "v2");
  • c1 = v1 or (c2 = v2 and c3 = v3)
    new SelectCondition()
                .eq("c1", "v1")
                        (nested) -> nested.eq("c2", "v2").and().eq("c3", "v3")
  • (c1 = v1 and c2 = v2) or (c3 = v3 and c4 = v4)
     new SelectCondition()
                .nested(nested -> nested.eq("c1", "v1").and().eq("c2", "v2"))
                .nested(nested -> nested.eq("c3", "v3").and().eq("c4", "v4"))
  • (c1 = v1 and (c2 = v2 or c3 = v3 )) or (c4 = v4 and (c5 = v5 or c6 = v6))
    new SelectCondition()
                .nested(cond -> cond
                        .eq("c1", "v1")
                                subCond -> subCond.eq("c2", "v2").or().eq("c3", "v3")
                .nested(cond -> cond
                        .eq("c4", "v4")
                                subCond -> subCond.eq("c5", "v5").or().eq("c6", "v6")