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提供了一套通用的单表 CRUD 操作,简化冗余的模版代码开发。相对于同类产品的特点是, 不越界,只做最核心的事,因此不制造任何新的概念,无需任何配置,心智负担小。
另外,用户接口层面,其用于生成 sql 的 api 流畅合理且优雅;实现层面,采用了 visitor 模式 + AST 方案,也很优雅。
⚠️ mybatis版本需 >= 3.5.1 https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3/releases/tag/mybatis-3.5.1
引入 mybatis-ext
然后让你的 mapper 继承 io.github.light0x00.mybatisext.BaseMapper
public interface UserMapper extends BaseMapper<User> {
@TableName(schema = "test")
public class User {
@Column(primary = true)
private Long pkId;
private String name;
private Integer age;
private String email;
List<User> lst=userMapper.select(new SelectCondition()
select *
from test.user
where email like '%gmail.com'
and (name = 'light' or age > 18)
List<Map<String, Object>>maps=userMapper.selectMaps(new SelectCondition()
.select("age","count(1) as number")
.orderByClause("number desc")
select age, count(1) as number
from test.user
group by age
having age > 20
order by number desc
try(Cursor<User> cursor=userMapper.selectCursor(new SelectCondition().gt("age",1))){
}catch(IOException e){
userMapper.updateByCondition(new UpdateCondition()
update test.user
set age=age + 3
where pk_id = 1
BaseMapper 提供了如下 CRUD 操作:
int insert(T entity)
;int insertIgnore(T entity)
int insertOnDupKey(T entity, InsertCondition condition)
T getById(Serializable id)
List<T> select(SelectCondition condition)
T selectOne(SelectCondition condition)
long selectCount(SelectCondition condition)
Cursor<T> selectCursor(SelectCondition condition)
List<Map<String, Object>> selectMaps(SelectCondition condition)
int updateById(T entity)
int update(T entity, UpdateCondition condition)
int updateByCondition(UpdateCondition condition)
int deleteById(Serializable id)
int delete(DeleteCondition condition)
这些 CRUD 操作按接收参数的不同可分为两类,一类是接收 ID 或 实体类的,这类使用较为简单,就不多赘述。
另一类则接收 XXCondition 对象,用于构建带有复杂条件的增删改查 sql, 使用方式如下:
SelectCondition,用于构建 where 条件,要查询的列,分组聚合,排序
userMapper.select(new SelectCondition() .select("name", "email") .where() .gt("age", 20) .or() .like("email", "%gmail.com") .orderByClause("age desc") );
select name,email from test.user where age>20 or email like '%gmail.com' order by age desc
UpdateCondition,用于构建 where 条件,和 update 语句的 set 部分
userMapper.updateByCondition(new UpdateCondition() .set("name", "Jack") .incr("age", 3) .where() .eq("pk_id", 1) );
update test.user set name='Jack',age=age+3 where pk_id=1
指定哪些列要被更新,对象的非空属性会被更新.User user = new User(); user.setEmail("[email protected]"); user.setAge(20); userMapper.update(user, new UpdateCondition().eq("pk_id", 2));
DeleteCondition,用于构建 where 条件
userMapper.delete(new DeleteCondition().in("name", "alice","bob"));
delete from user where name in ("alice","bob")
InsertCondition,目前用于构建 insert on duplicates 语句(mysql 独有)
User user = new User(); user.setPkId(1L); user.setName("light"); user.setEmail("[email protected]"); user.setAge(2); userMapper.insertOnDupKey(user, new InsertCondition() .updateValueOnDupKey("name", "light2")
insert into test.user ( pk_id, name, age, email ) values( 1L, "light", 2, "[email protected]" ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name="light2"
真实世界里,我们的 sql 的 where 条件是可能很复杂的,由 and 和 or 连接的条件是可以嵌套的.如下演示了不同条件逻辑组合,是如何使用 SelectCondition
和 DeleteCondition
- c1 = v1 and c2 = v2
new SelectCondition().eq("c1", "v1").and().eq("c2", "v2")
- c1 = v1 and (c2= v2 or c3 = v3)
new SelectCondition() .eq("c1", "v1") .andNested( (nested) -> nested.eq("c2", "v2").or().eq("c3", "v3") )
- c1 = v1 or c2 = v2
new SelectCondition().eq("c1", "v1").or().eq("c2", "v2");
- c1 = v1 or (c2 = v2 and c3 = v3)
new SelectCondition() .eq("c1", "v1") .orNested( (nested) -> nested.eq("c2", "v2").and().eq("c3", "v3") )
- (c1 = v1 and c2 = v2) or (c3 = v3 and c4 = v4)
new SelectCondition() .nested(nested -> nested.eq("c1", "v1").and().eq("c2", "v2")) .or() .nested(nested -> nested.eq("c3", "v3").and().eq("c4", "v4"))
- (c1 = v1 and (c2 = v2 or c3 = v3 )) or (c4 = v4 and (c5 = v5 or c6 = v6))
new SelectCondition() .nested(cond -> cond .eq("c1", "v1") .andNested( subCond -> subCond.eq("c2", "v2").or().eq("c3", "v3") )) .or() .nested(cond -> cond .eq("c4", "v4") .andNested( subCond -> subCond.eq("c5", "v5").or().eq("c6", "v6") ) )