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A small process that collects and outputs system metrics to designated log files. Also runs executable scripts, returning simple data, which are placed in the appropriate location.


To build the binary, use the following example:

go build -ldflags "-X main.build_date=`date +%Y-%m-%d` -X main.VERSION=X.Y.Z -X main.COMMIT_SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`" -o stats-ag

Or use this method to build for another OS/Architecture

GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-X main.BUILD_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` -X main.VERSION=X.Y.Z -X main.COMMIT_SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`" -o stats-ag

Command options

  • -v: Show application version and exit
  • -d: Enable verbose debug mode (default: false)
  • -m: Location where metrics log files are written (default: /var/log/stats-ag)
  • -p: Date prefix format for metric entries, either RFC822Z, ISO8601, RFC3339 or SYSLOG (default: SYSLOG)
  • -s: Location where custom metrics scripts are located (default: /opt/stats-ag/scripts)

Usage examples

Calling the script manually:

stats-ag -m /var/log/stats-ag/metrics/ -s /opt/stats-ag/scripts/ -p ISO8601

Or having a cron run it every minute:

* * * * * /opt/stats-ag/stats-ag -m /var/log/stats-ag/metrics/ -s /opt/stats-ag/scripts/ -p ISO8601


Alain Lefebvre (alain.lefebvre 'at'


Convered under the MIT License