Generates queries dynamically on a database. The tool allows to set up the configuration of a database in a YML file.
A developer can modify certain values in the configuration file to, for example, translate fields from a table.
The applicant Builder takes as input a json file with the fields to request as well as the conditions. From this file it will construct the query, execute it and return the result.
Screenshots :
- All blocks
- Select block
- Condition block
- Save/load queries block
- Result block
- Query result block
Simple blog Mysql blog structure :
composer require littlerobinson/query-builder-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Littlerobinson\QueryBuilderBundle\LittlerobinsonQueryBuilderBundle(),
// ...
# /app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@LittlerobinsonQueryBuilderBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /querybuilder
# /AppBundle/Controller/YourController.php
* @Route("/querybuilder", name="query_builder")
* @return Response
public function indexAction()
return $this->render('LittlerobinsonQueryBuilderBundle:QueryBuilder:query_layout.html.twig', array(
'queryPath' => '/querybuilder/query' /// Optionnal if you want to change the query route
* @Method("POST")
* @Route("/querybuilder/query", name="query_builder_query")
* @return Response
public function queryAction()
$run = RunQueryBuilder::getInstance($this->container);
return new Response();
* Method for create config file
* @Method("GET")
* @Route("/querybuilder/writeconfig", name="query_builder_write_config")
* @return Response
public function writeDatabaseYamlConfigAction()
$run = RunQueryBuilder::getInstance($this->container);
$_POST['action_query_builder'] = 'write_database_yaml_config';
return new Response();
php bin/console assets:install --symlink
# /app/config/config.yml
title: Software name
is_dev_mode: false
config_path: database-config.yml
file_name: querybuilder_db_name
driver: pdo_mysql
host: '%database_host%'
port: '%database_port%'
dbname: '%database_name%'
user: '%database_user%'
password: '%database_password%'
charset: utf8mb4
user: { name: ~, type: ~ }
association: { name: ~, type: ~ }
rules: ~
security: ~
# /app/config/config.yml
user: { name: user_id, type: cookie }
association: { name: group_id, type: cookie }
user_id: { type: cookie }
post: post.user
user_id = 1 OR user_id = [1,2]
# /app/Resources/views/index.html.twig
{% extends 'LittlerobinsonQueryBuilderBundle:QueryBuilder:query_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/dashboard.css') }}"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block extra %}
<div class="query_builder_menu">
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navbar">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Gestion des inscrits</a>
<div id="navbar" class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a href="{{ path('registrant_index') }}">Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('query_builder') }}">Requêteur</a></li>
<li><a>{{ app.user.firstName }} {{ app.user.Lastname }}</a></li>
<li><a href={{ path('logout') }}>Déconnexion</a></li>
{% endblock %}
You can choose to modify or not display the save block and the request block
# /app/Resources/views/index.html.twig
{% block save_block %}{% endblock %}
{% block request_block %}{% endblock %}
# /app/Resources/views/index.html.twig
{% block query_path %}
let queryPath = '/querybuilder/query';
{% endblock %}
When executing the writeDatabaseYamlConfig
method it will generate a configuration YAML file with a retro engineering of your database.
You can change :
- table name (_table_translation)
- table visibility (__table_visibility)
- field name (__field_translation)
- field visibility (__field_visibility)
_table_translation: catégorie
_table_visibility: true
- id
name: id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: fullname
_field_translation: nom complet
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 150
not_null: true
definition: null
name: Nom court
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 50
not_null: true
definition: null
name: description
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: text
default: null
length: null
not_null: false
definition: null
name: created_at
_field_translation: date de création
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: updated_at
_field_translation: date de modification
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
_table_translation: article
_table_visibility: true
- id
name: id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: title
_field_translation: titre
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 150
not_null: true
definition: null
name: description
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: text
default: null
length: null
not_null: false
definition: null
name: is_published
_field_translation: publié
_field_visibility: true
type: boolean
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: content
_field_translation: contenu
_field_visibility: true
type: text
default: null
length: null
not_null: false
definition: null
name: created_at
_field_translation: date de creation
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: updated_at
_field_translation: date de modification
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: category_id
_field_translation: catégorie
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: false
definition: null
name: user_id
_field_translation: utilisateur
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: slug
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 150
not_null: true
definition: null
name: image_name
_field_translation: image
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 255
not_null: true
definition: null
category_id: { tableName: category, columns: category_id, foreignColumns: id, name: FK_5A8A6C8D12469DE2, options: { onDelete: null, onUpdate: null } }
user_id: { tableName: user, columns: user_id, foreignColumns: id, name: FK_5A8A6C8DA76ED395, options: { onDelete: null, onUpdate: null } }
_table_translation: null
_table_visibility: false
- post_id
- tag_id
name: post_id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: tag_id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
post_id: { tableName: post, columns: post_id, foreignColumns: id, name: FK_5ACE3AF04B89032C, options: { onDelete: CASCADE, onUpdate: null } }
tag_id: { tableName: tag, columns: tag_id, foreignColumns: id, name: FK_5ACE3AF0BAD26311, options: { onDelete: CASCADE, onUpdate: null } }
_table_translation: null
_table_visibility: true
- id
name: id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: name
_field_translation: nom
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 35
not_null: true
definition: null
name: created_at
_field_translation: date de création
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: updated_at
_field_translation: date de modification
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
_table_translation: utilisateur
_table_visibility: true
- id
name: id
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: integer
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: username
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 50
not_null: true
definition: null
name: password
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: false
type: string
default: null
length: 64
not_null: true
definition: null
name: email
_field_translation: null
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 60
not_null: true
definition: null
name: is_active
_field_translation: actif
_field_visibility: true
type: boolean
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: api_key
_field_translation: false
_field_visibility: true
type: string
default: null
length: 255
not_null: true
definition: null
name: created_at
_field_translation: date de creation
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
name: updated_at
_field_translation: date de modification
_field_visibility: true
type: datetime
default: null
length: null
not_null: true
definition: null
Add this in the config.yml file to tell the program where to find the restriction value.
# config.yml
user: { name: user, type: cookie }
association: { name: group, type: cookie }
user: { type: cookie }
post: post.user
Or like this with no rules.
# config.yml
user: { name: ~, type: ~ }
association: { name: ~, type: ~ }
rules: ~
security: ~
When you execute a request it will generate a json value representing the query.
SELECT AS post_id_id,
post_id.title AS post_id_title, AS category_id_id,
category_id.fullname AS category_id_fullname
post post_id
LEFT JOIN category category_id
ON = post_id.category_id
WHERE category_id.fullname LIKE '%prog%'
phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/
IHM is cutting in 3 zones :
- appRequest : It's a parent zone for making the request.
It's include 2 - zones :
- SelectItem : zon of selecting table and rows
- ConditionItem : Zone to build request conditions
- SpreadSheet : Zone for showing research result with grid table
Javascript Variables list in appRequest :
- dbObj : object representation of the JSON database configuration
- foreignTables : List of foreign tables
- items : Object representation of selectable table and rows with checked status and traduction name
- from : Object representing from request (for json query)
- where : Object representing where request (for json query)
- conditions : Array of objects representing conditions request
- columns : column result list with translation
- data : result data
- jsonQuery : json query
- sqlRequest : request query