Symfony Json To Form
is one of the ways to transform JSON data from a database field into an DTO object usable by a symfony form.
In the source example we have a field named custom
who is a JSON object for customize website.
It's possible to use with easyadmin.
Symfony 4+
Create your DTO objet as you need. In my example I create an object like the JSON object :
"primary": "#319794",
"fontTitle": "roboto",
"fontBody": "montserrat",
"navBackground": "#202020",
"navColor": "#7e7e7e",
"navIcon": "#7e7e7e",
"btnResaleBackground": "#b46816",
"btnRound": "0em",
"footerBackground": "#262627",
"footerColor": "#798185"
final class SiteConfigCustomizationDto
* @var string
public $primary;
* @var string
public $fontTitle;
* @var string
public $fontBody;
* @var string
public $navBackground;
* @var string
public $navColor;
* @var string
public $navIcon;
* @var string
public $btnResaleBackground;
* @var string
public $btnRound;
* @var string
public $footerBackground;
* @var string
public $footerColor;
The transform
method transform the JSON objet in a PHP object (DTO) :
public function transform($data, string $to, array $context = [])
$this->customizationDto = new SiteConfigCustomizationDto();
if (SiteConfigCustomizationDto::class === $to && is_object($data)) {
$this->customizationDto->primary = (isset($data->primary)) ? $data->primary : '';
$this->customizationDto->fontTitle = (isset($data->fontTitle)) ? $data->fontTitle : '';
$this->customizationDto->fontBody = (isset($data->fontBody)) ? $data->fontBody : '';
$this->customizationDto->navBackground = (isset($data->navBackground)) ? $data->navBackground : '';
$this->customizationDto->navColor = (isset($data->navColor)) ? $data->navColor : '';
$this->customizationDto->navIcon = (isset($data->navIcon)) ? $data->navIcon : '';
$this->customizationDto->btnResaleBackground = (isset($data->btnResaleBackground)) ? $data->btnResaleBackground : '';
$this->customizationDto->btnRound = (isset($data->btnRound)) ? $data->btnRound : '';
$this->customizationDto->footerBackground = (isset($data->footerBackground)) ? $data->footerBackground : '';
$this->customizationDto->footerColor = (isset($data->footerColor)) ? $data->footerColor : '';
return $this->customizationDto;
The reverseTransform method
transform the PHP objet in a JSON object :
public function reverseTransform($data, string $to, array $context = [])
$customString = null;
if (get_class($data) === SiteConfigCustomizationDto::class) {
$customString = json_encode($data);
/// if response have the good return type, return the response
if (gettype($customString) === $to) {
return $customString;
return null;
Create your like a normal symfony form but use your DTO class instead of an entity.
// Symfony form
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'data_class' => SiteConfigCustomizationDto::class,
'attr' => ['class' => 'form']
Now you can use it.
In my example i create a new class attribut in the entity call customDto
. It represent the field custom (JSON field) as an object (SiteConfigCustomizationDto).
I create accessors for the customDto
attribute who use the dataTransformer
* @var customDto
private $customDto;
* get custom as SiteConfigCustomizationDto object
* @return SiteConfigCustomizationDto
public function getCustomDto(): ?SiteConfigCustomizationDto
$transformer = new SiteConfigCustomizationTransformer();
return $transformer->transform($this->getCustomData(), SiteConfigCustomizationDto::class);
* Set custom with SiteConfigCustomizationDto
* @param SiteConfigCustomizationDto $customDto
* @return SiteConfig
public function setCustomDto(SiteConfigCustomizationDto $customDto): SiteConfig
$transformer = new SiteConfigCustomizationTransformer();
$newCustom = $transformer->reverseTransform($customDto, 'string');
if (null !== $newCustom) {
return $this;
🎉 Now you can use it !
In a controller :
$siteConfig = new SiteConfig();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($siteConfig)
->add('name', TextType::class)
->add('customDto', SiteConfigCustomizationFormType::class)
->add('save', SubmitType::class, ['label' => 'Create'])
We can also use it in easyadmin :
## Easyadmin config yaml file
- {property: 'customDto', type: 'App\Form\SiteConfigCustomizationFormType'}