Example of Interop between c# and rust
Test how to make a c-compatible interop library in rust for use in all languadges that have the capability of calling C libraries (most all).
I Test it using c# because I like the lang and it has some problems with type marshing
I made A simple clone of printf renamed it to printc, it takes a valid c string and converts is to a rust string or &str and then print it to the console
I also made a function that takes a function pointer, calls the function and returns a function pointer.
Since we can turn structs in rust to a c struct and the same on c#, I didn't make an example but this article covers how to do it.
the project is made so that you only need one command to build it, it's litterly just
If you look into Makefile
you would see that the make
command will first build the c# project, then build the rust project, output everything to the out directory and run it.
If you wish you can run the commands individually, but i don't understand why you would do it.
Have fun!!
This project is under the MIT License and you are free to use it as you please, just don't forget the copyright notice.