Example application and CI/CD pipeline showing how to run a JavaScript project which consists of ReactJS client and NodeJS server on Semaphore 2.0.
This project will require postgresql database. If you don't have one you can launch docker container with db for this app.
$ cp .sample.env .env
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose down
Steps described in server README
Steps described in client README
Fork this repository and use it to create a project:
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/sem-cli-releases/get.sh | bash
sem connect <semaphore-organization-link> <semaphore-id> // found in Semaphore Dashboard
cd <project directory>
sem init
After that, push to the repository to trigger a workflow on Semaphore.
The CI pipeline will look like this:
The example pipeline contains 5 blocks:
- Install Dependencies
- installs and caches all npm dependencies
- Run Lint
- Runs tslint to check project files codestyle
- Run Unit Tests
- Runs Unit Tests
- Run E2E Tests
- Runs E2E tests through cypress on client.
- Runs E2E tests through jest on server.
- Run project Build
- Runs tsc to build projects and prepare them for deploy
Copyright (c) 2019 Rendered Text
Distributed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.md.