ApiV10 - JavaScript client for api_v1_0 API version 1.0. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: v1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit http://www.geocaching.com
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install api_v1_0 --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your api_v1_0 from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var ApiV10 = require('api_v1_0');
var api = new ApiV10.FriendsApi()
var requestId = 56; // {Number} friend request identifier
var apiVersion = "'1.0'"; // {String} The requested API version
api.friendsAcceptFriendRequest(requestId, apiVersion).then(function() {
console.log('API called successfully.');
}, function(error) {
All URIs are relative to https://api.groundspeak.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsAcceptFriendRequest | POST /v{api-version}/friendrequests/{requestId}/accept | Accept a friend request |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsCreateFriendRequest | POST /v{api-version}/friendrequests | Create a friend request |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsDeleteFriendRequest | DELETE /v{api-version}/friendrequests/{requestId} | Delete a friend request |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsGetFriendRequests | GET /v{api-version}/friendrequests | Get a list of friend requests for the calling user |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsGetFriends | GET /v{api-version}/friends | Get a list of friends for the calling user |
ApiV10.FriendsApi | friendsRemoveFriend | DELETE /v{api-version}/friends/{userCode} | Removes a friend |
ApiV10.GeoToursApi | geoToursGetGeoTour | GET /v{api-version}/geotours/{referenceCode} | Get a GeoTour |
ApiV10.GeoToursApi | geoToursGetGeoTours | GET /v{api-version}/geotours | Get GeoTours |
ApiV10.GeoToursApi | geoToursGetGeocachesByGeoTour | GET /v{api-version}/geotours/{referenceCode}/geocaches | Get the geocaches on the GeoTour |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsAddImage | POST /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode}/images | Add an image to a geocache log |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsCreateGeocacheLog | POST /v{api-version}/geocachelogs | Add a log to a geocache |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsDeleteGeocacheLog | DELETE /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode} | Delete a geocache log |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsDeleteGeocacheLogImages | DELETE /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode}/images/{imageGuid} | Deletes a geocache log image |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsGetGeocacheLog | GET /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode} | Get a single geocache log |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsGetImages | GET /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode}/images | Get a the images attached to a geocache log |
ApiV10.GeocacheLogsApi | geocacheLogsUpdateGeocacheLog | PUT /v{api-version}/geocachelogs/{referenceCode} | Update a geocache log |
ApiV10.GeocacheNotesApi | geocacheNotesDeleteNote | DELETE /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/notes | Delete a geocache note for the calling user |
ApiV10.GeocacheNotesApi | geocacheNotesUpsertNote | PUT /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/notes | Upsert a geocache note for the calling user |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetFavoritedBy | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/favoritedby | Get a list of Users that have favorited a geocache |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetGeocache | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode} | Get a single Geocache |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetGeocaches | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches | Get a list of geocaches |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetImages | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/images | Get a list of images for a geocache |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetLogs | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/geocachelogs | Get a list of geocache logs for the specified geocache |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesGetTrackables | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/trackables | Get a list of trackables in a geocache |
ApiV10.GeocachesApi | geocachesSearch | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/search | Search for Geocaches |
ApiV10.HQPromotionsApi | hQPromotionsGet | GET /v{api-version}/HQPromotions/metadata | Returns a list of metadata for currently visible and upcoming Geocaching HQ promotions |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsAddGeocache | POST /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode}/geocaches | Add a geocache to a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsAddGeocaches | POST /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode}/bulkgeocaches | Add multiple geocaches to a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsCreateList | POST /v{api-version}/lists | Create a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsDeleteGeocache | DELETE /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode}/geocaches/{geocacheReferenceCode} | Remove a geocache from a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsDeleteList | DELETE /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode} | Remove a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsGetGeocaches | GET /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode}/geocaches | Get a list of geocaches for a specified list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsGetList | GET /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode} | Get a list |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsGetZippedPocketQuery | GET /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode}/geocaches/zipped | Gets a zipped file for a pocket query |
ApiV10.ListsApi | listsUpdateList | PUT /v{api-version}/lists/{referenceCode} | Edit a list |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsAddImage | POST /v{api-version}/logdrafts/{referenceCode}/images | Add image to log draft |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsCreateDraft | POST /v{api-version}/logdrafts | Create a log draft |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsDeleteDraft | DELETE /v{api-version}/logdrafts/{referenceCode} | Delete a log draft |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsGetDraft | GET /v{api-version}/logdrafts/{referenceCode} | Get a single log draft for the calling user |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsGetUserDrafts | GET /v{api-version}/logdrafts | Get a list of log drafts for the calling user |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsPromoteToGeocacheLog | POST /v{api-version}/logdrafts/{referenceCode}/promote | Promote Log Draft to Geocache Log |
ApiV10.LogDraftsApi | logDraftsUpdateDraft | PUT /v{api-version}/logdrafts/{referenceCode} | Update a log draft |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetAttributes | GET /v{api-version}/attributes | Returns the available attributes |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetCountries | GET /v{api-version}/countries | Returns current list of country ids and names |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetGeocacheLogTypes | GET /v{api-version}/geocachelogtypes | Returns the geocache log types |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetGeocacheTypes | GET /v{api-version}/geocachetypes | Returns the available geocache types |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetMembershipLevels | GET /v{api-version}/membershiplevels | Returns the membership levels |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetStates | GET /v{api-version}/states | Returns the state (aka region) names and ids |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetStatesByCountry | GET /v{api-version}/countries/{countryId}/states | Returns the state (aka region) names and ids |
ApiV10.ReferenceDataApi | referenceDataGetTrackableLogTypes | GET /v{api-version}/trackablelogtypes | Returns the trackable log types |
ApiV10.StatusApi | statusPingAsync | GET /status/ping | Returns Ok. |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsAddImage | POST /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode}/images | Add an image to a trackable log |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsCreateTrackableLog | POST /v{api-version}/trackablelogs | Add a log to a trackable |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsDeleteTrackableLog | DELETE /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode} | Deletes a trackable log |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsDeleteTrackableLogImages | DELETE /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode}/images/{imageGuid} | Deletes a trackable log image |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsGetImages | GET /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode}/images | Get a the images attached to a trackable log |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsGetTrackableLog | GET /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode} | Get a single trackable log |
ApiV10.TrackableLogsApi | trackableLogsUpdateTrackableLog | PUT /v{api-version}/trackablelogs/{referenceCode} | Update a trackable log |
ApiV10.TrackablesApi | trackablesGetGeocoinTypes | GET /v{api-version}/trackables/geocointypes | Get paged geocoin types |
ApiV10.TrackablesApi | trackablesGetImages | GET /v{api-version}/trackables/{referenceCode}/Images | Get the images attached to a trackable |
ApiV10.TrackablesApi | trackablesGetTrackable | GET /v{api-version}/trackables/{referenceCode} | Get a single trackable |
ApiV10.TrackablesApi | trackablesGetTrackableLogs | GET /v{api-version}/trackables/{referenceCode}/trackablelogs | Get a list of trackable logs for the specified trackable |
ApiV10.TrackablesApi | trackablesGetUserTrackables | GET /v{api-version}/trackables | Gets a list of trackables |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsCreateUserWaypoint | POST /v{api-version}/userwaypoints | Create a user waypoint |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsDeleteCorrectedCoordinates | DELETE /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/correctedcoordinates | Delete a corrected coordinate for the calling user |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsDeleteUserWaypoint | DELETE /v{api-version}/userwaypoints/{referenceCode} | Delete a user waypoint |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsGetGeocacheUserWaypoints | GET /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/userwaypoints | Gets the user waypoints for a geocache |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsGetUserWaypoints | GET /v{api-version}/userwaypoints | Get a list of user waypoints for the calling user |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsUpdateUserWaypoint | PUT /v{api-version}/userwaypoints/{referenceCode} | Update a user waypoint |
ApiV10.UserWaypointsApi | userWaypointsUpsertCorrectedCoordinates | PUT /v{api-version}/geocaches/{referenceCode}/correctedcoordinates | Upsert a corrected coordinate for the calling user |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetGeocacheLogs | GET /v{api-version}/users/{referenceCode}/geocachelogs | Get a list of a user's geocache logs |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetImages | GET /v{api-version}/users/{referenceCode}/images | Get the images attached to a user profile |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetLists | GET /v{api-version}/users/{referenceCode}/lists | Get a list of user's geocache lists |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetSouvenirs | GET /v{api-version}/users/{referenceCode}/souvenirs | Get an account's souvenirs |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetUser | GET /v{api-version}/users/{referenceCode} | Get a user |
ApiV10.UsersApi | usersGetUsers | GET /v{api-version}/users | Get a list of users |
ApiV10.UtilitiesApi | utilitiesGetReferenceCode | GET /v{api-version}/utilities/referencecode | Returns the reference code from an id |
- ApiV10.AdditionalWaypoint
- ApiV10.Attribute
- ApiV10.AttributeType
- ApiV10.BulkFailure
- ApiV10.BulkResponse
- ApiV10.Coordinates
- ApiV10.Country
- ApiV10.FriendRequest
- ApiV10.GeoTour
- ApiV10.Geocache
- ApiV10.GeocacheCount
- ApiV10.GeocacheLimit
- ApiV10.GeocacheList
- ApiV10.GeocacheLog
- ApiV10.GeocacheLogType
- ApiV10.GeocacheNote
- ApiV10.GeocacheSize
- ApiV10.GeocacheType
- ApiV10.HQPromotionMetadata
- ApiV10.Image
- ApiV10.ListGeocache
- ApiV10.Location
- ApiV10.LogDraft
- ApiV10.MembershipLevel
- ApiV10.PostGeocacheList
- ApiV10.PostGeocacheLog
- ApiV10.PostImage
- ApiV10.PostListGeocache
- ApiV10.PostLogDraft
- ApiV10.PostTrackableLog
- ApiV10.PostUserWaypoint
- ApiV10.PromotedDraft
- ApiV10.Souvenir
- ApiV10.Sponsor
- ApiV10.State
- ApiV10.Trackable
- ApiV10.TrackableCount
- ApiV10.TrackableLog
- ApiV10.TrackableLogType
- ApiV10.TrackableType
- ApiV10.User
- ApiV10.UserData
- ApiV10.UserReference
- ApiV10.UserWaypoint
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: AccessToken
- Location: HTTP header