- Added Support for Multi Root Workspaces
- Fix for [Issue #15] - Can't export: path separator issues on mac (probably also linux)
- Javadoc Tools: Generate Comments for Select methods command can now be triggered from the right click Context Menu within the file.
- Added a new Property
which can be set to true to support Powershell javadoc export. Thanks to @JoshJamesLS for pointing out the need for this. - Fixes Issue #1 - Getters, Setters, Equals, Hashcode etc. methods added by Lombok are ignored during Javadoc Comment creation.
- Improved handling for
Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace
command. It will now show proper warnings and a Progress Bar. The command can also be cancelled now.
- Added new command Javadoc Tools: Export Javadoc - This command allows you to export your Javadoc as well!
More information about the new command can be found in README file
- Better handling for Spring Boot Projects
- Fixed issue where javadoc comments were added below the @ annotation instead of above it
- Added new Command Javadoc Tools: Generate Comments for Select methods - This command allows user to choose the methods for which javadoc comments need to be created
- Minor bug fixes
- Fix to remove Context Command from Pallete
- Fix to display Pallete commands in correct file types only
- Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace renamed as Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace
- Generate Javadoc Comments for Open File renamed as Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Open File
- Added new command in the File Explorer Context Menu Generate Javadoc Comments
- Added new Command Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace
- Fixed handling of generics
- Improved comment handling
- Housekeeping - Removed junk comments;Moved logic to new file;
- Initial Release - Allows you to generate Javadoc Comments