I just don't have any time to maintain this at this point. I may eventually come back and start updating again but for the forseeable future, i'm not making any updates.
This extension allows user to generate javadoc comments for all methods within a class. Below commands are available for use -
Javadoc Tools: Export Javadoc - This command allows you to export your Javadoc. The command should be executed in a Workspace(Multi-root workspaces supported as of version 1.6.0)
Below properties can be set to customize this command
- javadoc-tools.generateJavadoc.workspaceSourceFolder - Sets the default source folder which is read when Generating the Javadoc. Default value is the "src" folder in Workspace Root
- javadoc-tools.generateJavadoc.targetFolder - Sets the target folder where the Javadoc will be generated. Default path will be ${WorkspaceRoot}\javadoc
- javadoc-tools.generateJavadoc.runMode - Set value to run in corresponding mode. Default value is "-public". Possible values are ["-package","-private","-protected","-public"]
- javadoc-tools.generateJavadoc.isUsingPwsh - Set this property to true if you are using Powershell as your default Terminal
Javadoc Tools: Generate Comments for Select methods - This command allows user to choose the methods for which javadoc comments need to be created. Can also be triggered from the right-click context menu within a file.
Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Open File - Only generates Javadoc Comments for the open File in focus
Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace - Generates Javadoc for all classes within the workspace. The files will be opened in the editor and the javadoc comments will be added. This command will not autosave the modified Files.
Warning: Running this command on a large workspace may cause performance degradation AND will require you to wait longer while it processes the files(which is worse)
Generate Javadoc Comments - New option added to the context menu for Java Clases. Generates Javadoc Comments for the selected class.
For any problems with the extension please raise an issue on the github page - https://github.com/madhavd1/vscode-javadoc-tools
- Javadoc Tools: Generate Comments for Select methods command can now be triggered from the right click Context Menu within the file.
- Added a new Property
which can be set to true to support Powershell javadoc export. Thanks to @JoshJamesLS for pointing out the need for this. - Fixes Issue #1 - Getters, Setters, Equals, Hashcode etc. methods added by Lombok are ignored during Javadoc Comment creation.
- Improved handling for
Javadoc Tools: Generate Javadoc Comments for Workspace
command. It will now show proper warnings and a Progress Bar. The command can also be cancelled now.
For complete version history, please see the changelog.