Generates ids based on timestamp offset, node id, counter and random. Instead of SnowFlake and SimpleFlake agorithms which values are sequential it means they can be easely predicted and can't be directly used for data distribution. In FuckFlake first bits are random that makes values dispersed on entire 64-bit interval
Value structure:
- 1..8: 8 bit random
- 9..16: 8 bit node counter
- 17..56: 40 bit microseconds since 2018-01-01
- 57..64: 8 bit node id
it allow take at least 256 collision guarantee values per node per microsecond. Can be increased using bits allocated for node id
Containt methods for generate unsigned int64 values
and helpers to convert to signed in case of use with Postgres or other soft that does't support unsigned values
Gen UInt64 id
Gen UInt64 id Base58 encoded
iex(55)> FuckFlake.fuck |> FuckFlake.to_sing
iex(56)> -1859420847169712895 |> FuckFlake.to_unsing
iex(57)> -1859420847169712895 |> FuckFlake.int_to_b58
iex(59)> 7363951189685062913 |> FuckFlake.uint_to_b58
iex(60)> 'J6RXjh7JYme' |> FuckFlake.b58_to_uint
iex(61)> 'J6RXjh7JYme' |> FuckFlake.b58_to_int
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding fuck_flake
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:fuck_flake, "~> 0.1.1"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at