For learning, I have developed an Ethereum Dapp based on “Blockchain-Based Solution for Distribution and Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines” research paper written by by Ahmad Musamih, Raja Jayaraman, Khaled Salah, Haya R Hasan, Ibrar Yaqoob, Yousof Al-Hammadi. They also provided smart contract, written in solidity, for public use, so I changed it a little bit and used it for developing Dapp.
There are four roles, manufacturer, distributor, container and vaccination center. Roles' permissions are managed by solidity modifiers
Container can call violation events like rise in temperature, exposure to light etc.
Vaccination center can receive containers.
Based on these transactions events will be triggered. Anyone can track the current status of the container.
Features I added:
In original contract only one vaccine container could be tracked but I added option to track multiple containers.
Restructured code and divided it into multiple contracts.
Tweaked vaccine container events and violation events.
For development:
- Ganache is used as local blockchain.
- Dapp is create by truffle react box.
- Metamask wallet is used for account and private keys.
- React Material UI for user interface.
Github link for original smart contract: Research paper can be found on IEEE Xplore.