Releases: marellocommerce/marello-application
Releases · marellocommerce/marello-application
Release 3.0.0
Marello 3.0.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented full support for attributes and attribute families, now removed restriction of having the family and attribute set hard coded in the services
- Implemented InventoryBatches for inventory batch support on inventory items
- Introduced SalesChannel configuration
- Introduced PDF capabilities for Invoices which can be configured per SalesChannel
- Implemented payment methods as integrations in order to make use of OroCommerce's payment methods if necessary.
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Changed approach of locales and localisation throughout marello in order to fully utilise Oro platform's capabilities of localisation including languages and localised formatting
- Implemented PaymentTerm as payment method
- Implemented Banktransfer as payment method
- Moved Customer entity from OrderBundle to the CustomerBundle
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 4.1.0
- Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 7.3.13
- Required NodeJS version upgraded to 12.0 or higher
- Symfony version upgrade to 4.4.2
- Introduced MPDF as new dependency for PDF capabilities
Release 2.2.0
Marello 2.2 CE Release
New Features
- Added Company entity to represent a company which can have multiple users assigned to it
- Added PaymentTerm entity to allow for a payment deadline
- Send out notifications to user where there are purchase orders ready for review
- Added the second B2C workflow where the shipping and payment have been reversed to allow for ‘pay later’ options, the workflow is disabled by default
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed the InventoryLevelCollection type where the form would not show an empty InventoryLevel which made it impossible to manage the inventory for the specific item, thanks @clicktrend
- Disabled audible options for InventoryItem and BalancedInventoryLevel to reduce the amount of messages being produced in the message queue when inventory is mass updated
- Fixed the previously slower loading images in the product grid where they were loaded from a different directory causing it load slower
- Updated the product grid columns to let the product grid load faster by reducing the amount of joins in the grid
- Added quick navigation links on some of the view pages and in grids for faster navigation to related entities where users have access to, thanks for reporting @brainOut
- Added ownership to child items to apply ACL to them, i.e. OrderItem, InvoiceItem etc..
- Added fix to check if the product exists before trying to look it up when importing InventoryLevels, thanks for reporting @Peekmo
- Added fix to check if an OrderItem status is already set when it’s created programmatically, thanks for reporting @Peekmo
- Fixed issue with getting data of non existent related entities in invoice and credit memo items grid, thanks for reporting @Peekmo
Marello 2.1.0 Release
Marello 2.1.0 CE Release
New Features
- OrderItem insights
- Backorders / Pre-orders
- Additional drop shipment integration with Marello's inventory- and Order management
- Added ability to create ProductTypes with attribute family
- Enabled attribute families and attribute creation for Products
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Added Order- and PackingSlipItem status
- Added additional confirmation before deleting inventory levels to make sure the inventory qty isn't lost
- Added Warehouse Type for drop shipping functionalities
- Additional bug fixes and layout issues in various places
BC breaks
We unfortunately couldn't keep all things BC because of underlying changes, the two most notable changes regarding BC are;
- The adding of the EventDispatcherInterface to the constructor of Marello\Bundle\PackingBundle\EventListener\CreatePackingSlipEventListener
- The removal getValuesToApply method in Marello\Bundle\FilterBundle\Grid\Extension\OrmFilterExtension
Marello 2.0 Release
Marello 2.0 Release
Technology Upgrades
- OroPlatform has been upgraded to 3.1.2
- Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 7.1.26
- Support for LESS preprocessor has been discontinued, and all files were converted to SCSS format.
- NodeJS has become a required dependency for installation and development
New Features
- Invoice and Creditmemo support in sales related workflows (Order, Refund)
- Mass action assigning Products to SalesChannels
- Removal of all Marello REST API Routing, Controllers and related Forms. Endpoints have been moved to REST JSON API
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Query time optimization for Product grid
- Optimisation of Image rendering in Product View
- Added Discount in the transactional emails Order totals sum
- Fix parameter binding in product-categories grid on Product view page
- Fixed bug Product to Category assignment. Products are not being assigned or removed from Category
- Updated Cancel Action in workflow to take in to account whether or not the balanced inventory levels or the inventory levels should be deallocated. Additional option can be used to control this. Referring to issue marellocommerce/marello#47 - thanks @brainOut
- Customer is now extendable. Referring to issue marellocommerce/marello#52 - thanks @clicktrend
- Refunds now show correct currency instead of mixing them with system default
- Taxes and discounts are now being taken into account on Refund totals calculation
- Added additional Inventory Balance triggers (SalesChannelGroups add/remove, Warehouse add/remove, WarehouseChannel link updates)
- Fixed Inventory Level chart calculations to show the movement for Inventory, Allocated and Virtual quantities correctly through time
Marello 1.5.0 Release
Marello 1.5.0 Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Added Shipping methods and Shipping Rules
- Added AssembledPriceList to have a collection of Price Types
- Added AssembledChannelPriceList to have a collection of Price Types for a specific SalesChannel
- Added PriceTypes MSRP, Special and Default for multiple PriceTypes in a AssembledPriceList
- Added JSON API support for Customers, Orders, Products, Returns, SalesChannels, InventoryLevels, AssembledPriceLists and AssembledChannelPriceLists
- Added support for workflow steps in JSON API
- Added support for workflow transitions in JSON API
- Added new widget on Dashboard to show best selling items with images
- Added image to product grid
- Added configuration support in order to enable/disable Order/Return notifications
- Removed double phone number in Order view
- Fixed issue regarding order processing and transitioning if no coordinates are found for the addresses
- Add purchase date for orders (#36), thanks @clicktrend for the enhancement
- Merged contribution #41 of @brainOut - add control on shipment existence before render
- Update Oro platform to version 2.6.29
Marello 1.4.0 Release
Marello 1.4.0 Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Added Product Duplication
- Added Product Categories
- Added shippingAddress to Customer
- Purchase order updates;
- Added calculation Totals per Line Items
- Added calculation of Grand totals
- Added ability to choose how a Purchase Order should be sent to a supplier (Email/Manual)
- Fixed bug where Products could be added to multiple Purchase Orders before they were actually being sent/received to/from supplier
- Added manufacturing code
- Added generic ‘mass’ action of selecting multiple lines
- Drop php 7.0 support
- Update Oro platform to version 2.6.x
- Move Google maps view to CE version
Marello 1.3.0 Release
Marello 1.3.0 Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Stop showing of System SalesChannel group in grid
- Add "name" attribute to Annotations in Controllers in order to make it easier for overriding the controller
- Added constraint where desired inventory level should always be greater than the purchase inventory level in order to fix weird side effects of purchase order advices not being accurate or negative numbers
- Suppliers are not assigned to organisation when created, because of missing organisation field
- Added support for integrating with OroCommerce
Marello 1.2.2 Release
Marello 1.2.2 Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fix issue regarding duplicate indexes on EE install with PostGresql DB driver
- Fix issue regarding wrong where expressions clauses on EE install with PostGresql DB driver
- Merged contribution #27 of @clicktrend; regarding API exposure of inventory levels
- Fixed issue regarding EntitySerializer not complying with the parent class constructor
Marello 1.2.1 Release
Marello 1.2.1 Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Updated Oro platform to 2.5
- Fixed issue of wrong SalesChannelGroup data on install with Demo data
- Fixed issue of depending on the
instead of theOro\Component\MessageQueue\Client\MessageProducerInterface
- Fixed issue with view ids which might have the same overlap as OroCommerce / OroCRM
- Fixed issue with js when the Oro Platform version is greater than 2.4.*, missing
tag for rendering components in twig templates. - Replaced some deprecated methods in Tests and implementation classes
Marello 1.2.0 Release
Marello 1.2.0 Release
Due to some complications in the development of Marello 1.2.0, we've had to break with backwards compatibility.
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed issue regarding product prices in API call Marello Issue #25
- Fixed suggestion for Marello Issue #12
- Move inventory management to a complete separate section in order for easy access
- Refactored Inventory logging to create a separate entity InventoryLogLevelRecord
- Added concept of InventoryLevel && VirtualInventoryLevel to facilitate the InventoryBalancer
- Moved all related Marello settings to a single tab in System Configuration
- Added ability to add a single image to products
- Added manufacturing code to products
- Order totals on Order Create page
- Add map (customer address) to the customer page
- Add inventory totals on the inventory view page
- Updated order notification emails with VAT
- Update required PHP version to 7.0
- Updated Oro platform to 2.2
- Automatically creating Packingslips on workflow transition "Pick & Pack"
- Enabling Order Creation from Marello backend
- Enabling the managing of Tax Rules, Tax Jurisdictions, Tax Rates and Tax Codes
- Ability to group SalesChannels in groups (creating SalesChannelGroups)
- Ability to balance inventory with configurable balance strategies
- Added a simple balance strategy; Equal Division
- Ability to enter prices incl. or excl. vat on product creation