Releases: marellocommerce/marello-application
Releases · marellocommerce/marello-application
Marello 6.1.0 CE Release
Marello 6.1.0 CE Release
- The product now has a SKU regex validation, please be aware with existing SKU's that have symbols in them other than '-' or '_'
New Features
- Implemented Product relations
- Implemented Base Product Variant data
- Implemented Order Delivery Promise
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Copy default address to shipping address on customer create
- Added additional filters on Product datagrid
- Added Rounding product price per item configuration
- Implemented Creating a SalesChannel Group when creating a SalesChannel by selecting a group instead of always creating a new one
- Update API for product get_resource and get_relationship during issues with fetching the tags
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 6.0.8
Full Changelog: 6.0.1...6.1.0
Marello 6.0.0 CE Release
Marello 6.0.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented basic product import
- Implemented Inventory Update API endpoint to update
- Implemented support API endpoint for Workflow transitions without data
- Added additional Business Metrics and KPI's widget
- Implemented Associated SalesChannel option
- Implemented basic Purchase Order consolidation feature
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Renaming configuration settings and update descriptions
- Added additional filters for Product Prices and SalesChannel Prices in API
- Added additional file attribute to default Product family
- Fixed case-insensitive email address on Customer
- Added expired inventory column on inventory grid when batches are enabled
- Added note field on Order Item
- Fixed listener to create url for both Image and additional file attribute(s)
- Added additional configuration for external warehouses to be manageable
- Added Notification message widget to sidebar
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 6.0.5
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...6.0.0
Marello 5.0.0 CE Release
Marello 5.0.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented new POS Workflow
- Implemented better support for OoD products with automated workflow on Purchase Orders and Allocations
- Implemented support for Webhooks, allowing developers to create webhooks and events
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed ownership on Orders, from Organization to User
- Fixed Customer unique identifier constraints
- Added additional filters for Products, Product Prices and SalesChannel Prices in API
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 5.1.4
Full Changelog: 4.2.0...5.0.0
Marello 4.2.0 CE Release
Marello 4.2.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented Track and trace information for shipments
- Implemented Order reshipment for lost packages
- Implemented Notification Center for centralising important messages
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fix issue on allocation with memory issue on a lot of items with a few warehouses
- Create packing slip PDF
- Trigger rebalance when deleting SalesChannels
- Fix logo rendering on PDF
- Enable exclusion from allocation on Order create via GUI
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 5.0.12
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.1.0...4.2.0
Marello 4.1.0 CE Release
Marello 4.1.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented Expected inventory on Inventory Item view
- Implemented Mass approval of refunds via datagrid
- Implemented Special price timing for both Default and Channel prices
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Add Barcode attribute on Product
- Add a Purchase Order Reference field to Purchase Orders
- Extend inventory log with Batch information
- Invoice due amount not calculated correctly
- Added ability to exclude items from allocation
- Enabled Task activity on Order and Allocations
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 5.0.9
- Added OroCRM TaskBundle for additional activities
Full Changelog: 4.0.2...4.1.0
Marello 4.0.0 CE Release
Marello 4.0.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented order allocations
- Implemented Health Check monitor based on integration statuses
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Changed custom notifications to Oro Email models
- Escape code from excluded characters except "_" and "-", created generic validator based on OroCommerce's SKU Regex for supplier, warehouse and sales channel
- Fixed MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS on currency number formatter of order statistics
- Fixed issue with Invoice Logo not being rendered on invoice / credit memo
- Fixed image on datagrid not rendering on product grid
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 5.0.x
- Minimally required PHP version has been raised to 8.1
- Required NodeJS version upgraded to >=16 or < 17
- Symfony version upgrade to 5.4
- Minimally required MPDF version has been raised to 8.0
Marello 3.2.0 CE Release
Marello 3.2.0 CE Release
New Features
- Workflow Transit Mass action(s), the ability to configure mass actions for a mass action of workflow transit on entities
List of fixed issues and improvements
- MAR10001-827: Updated refunds totals calculations now including tax and subtotals
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 4.2.9
- Bumped minimum version of PHP to 7.4.14 or 8.0.0
- Bumped minimum version of MySQL to 8.0
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0
Marello 3.1.1 CE Release
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed bug with Global Access organization not being able to place orders, create payments or payment rules in non global access organization
- Non expected return type (interface non-implemented) by @NicolasCayet in marellocommerce/marello#68
- Specify full namespaces in Doctrine DiscriminatorMap for AbstractInvoice and AbstractInvoiceItem by @NicolasCayet in marellocommerce/marello#70
- Update routing.yml by @clicktrend in #11
- Removed asset-packagist from composer repositories by @anyt in #12
- Moved validation for Refund to the complete Refund instead of items
- Added currency symbol and formatting to the refund items price
- Removed the exception from the subscriber that is interfering with the validation
- Added validation to prevent negative refund amount on items
- Fixed issue with loading images during demo install
- Fixed groupBy issues with products grid
- Fixed issue with search on orderReference and orderNumber in both Refund/Return grid
- Fixed issue with balanced inventory going below 0 if there is more reserved inventory on the balanced inventory than there is actual inventory to be balanced
- fixed issue productUnit being submitted on order create, field should not be submitted at all
- added company number column, filter and sorter
- Added check for product status before balancing inventory for said product
- Added validation + validation message for Product status
- Add Customer information to Return view
- MAR10001-985: Rename Tabs/headings on the Return view page
- MAR10001-988: Add additional fields to Return Entity
- Add new reason for return items
- MAR10001-968: Fixed unique name fields - unique on both: name, organization
- Fixed issue with schema update with updating table because of foreign key constraint
- Reinstated the order on demand feature, with additional setting to turn it on and off via the system configuration
- added hasColumn() checks on fields that might already be added in previous version
Full Changelog: 3.0.2...3.1.1
Marello 3.1.0 CE Release
Marello 3.1.0 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented Payments on Invoice & Creditmemo's
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Switched workflow steps Invoiced and Paid in both workflows in order to create the Invoice first and being able to receive the payments
- Added inventory batch view for inventory items that have batch inventory enabled
- Changed logic to inventory balancer to exclude disabled products
- Fixed issue with separation of Reports per organisation
- Fixed issue with inventory balancer that didn't balance correctly to assigned Sales Channel Groups
- Fixed issue with wrong batch allocation on Packingslips
- Fixed issue with product name not changed in inventory item grid
- Fixed issue with inventory levels not being visible on inventory item view when running PostgreSQL
- Moved Tax identification to the Company entity instead of a customer
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 4.1.12
Release 3.0.1
Marello 3.0.1 CE Release
New Features
- Implemented Product tags
- Added Email activity to Marello Customer
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed issue with schema update when adding new Product attributes or fields through entity management via the GUI
- Fixed issue with sending localized emails where the chain was broken and only send the default email. Referring to issue marellocommerce/marello#61 - thanks @clicktrend
- Added inline grid editing on Product grid for Status, SKU and Tags
- Fixed issue with Localized email template of Shipping confirmation
- Added fix for existing attributes to configure them correctly to show them in attribute groups and retain the original data
- Added save and new option in various places like SalesChannels, SalesChannelGroups and Tax related entities
Technology Upgrades
- Updated Oro Platform to 4.1.1