This is a repository for the course Basics of R programming language in statistical analysis. In 2020 and 2021, I instructed the course free of charge to a selected number of UBB FSEGA graduates in collaboration with Multicultural Business Institute. The materials in this repository belong to the 2021 edition.
- Differentiating between different R objects (vector, matrix, data frame, list) – generating the objects, properties, operations
- Visualizing data using base R graphics – bar charts, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, line charts
- Analyzing data using predefined R functions – statistical measures, correlations, linear regression
- Writing an R code that uses control structures – for loops, conditional statements
- Writing user defined functions – applications on writing the functions for: statistical measures, correlations, linear regression
Upon completion of this course, the participants are independent R users, being able to understand R code, write functions, and debug. Also, they will be able to perform a statistical analysis in R (visualizing, computing statistical measures, performing cross tab analysis, and linear regressions).
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of descriptive statistics and introductory econometrics terms (statistical population, sample size, statistical variables, mean, median, mode, correlation, linear regression).
8 online meetings of 1h 30min each.
Meetings 1-2: Basic notions
A. R STRUCTURES, PROPERTIES AND OPERATIONS: Vectors and Data Frames | Numerical representation of attributive variables:
- defining a vector, operations with vectors, vector properties, computing absolute, relative frequencies
- defining a matrix, operations with matrices, matrix properties
- reading-writing a .csv file, setting a working directory
- generating random variables
B. R GRAPHS | Graphical representation of attributive variables:
- bar charts, pie charts, histograms
Additionally proposed exercises cover: lists, data extraction, grouped bar charts.
Meetings 3-6: CONTROL STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS | Statistical measures
A.FOR LOOPS | Challenge: Mean values
- for loops, mean(), colMeans()
- compute the mean value of the values of a vector using functions sum() and length()
- compute the mean value for each column in a matrix using for loops and the functions sum() and length(), nrow() etc.
B.CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS | Challenge: Median values
- conditional statements, median(), matrixStats::colMedians()
- compute the median value of the values of a vector using if statements, and length(), sort(), trunc() etc.
- compute the median value for each column in a matrix using for loops, if statements, and length(), sort(), trunc() etc.
C.FUNCTIONS | Challenge: Mode values
- function()
- write a function that returns the mode of the values of a vector along with the text “the mode is”
Additionally proposed exercises cover: variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, quartiles, skewness, kurtosis, automatic interpretation of results, data extraction, data normalization, rolling windows.
Meetings 7-8: INDEPENDENT R CODING | Relations between statistical variables
A. Cross-tab analysis
Participants receive a database and have 45 minutes to:
- Perform a cross-tab analysis between two quatitative variables (scatter plot, Pearson’s correlation coefficient)
- Automate one interpretation/reporting aspect of their cross-tab
analysis - this could include, but is not restricted to:
- Export your graph into a .pdf, .png etc. file.
- Based on Pearson’s correlation coefficiend and a conditional statement of one’s choice print: “Positive/Negative/No correlation”; “High/medium/low correlation”; “low positive correlation”, “low negative correlation” etc.; The correlation is 0.24 => low positive correlation between salary and salbegin” etc.
- Save into a matrix and export into a .csv file the value of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the interpretation
- Add the Pearson’s correlation coefficient value (and the interpretation) on the scatter plot.
- Create an interpretation function.
- Compute the correlation matrix for all the (the quantitative continuous/) variables in the data set.
- Using a for loop, plot the scatter plots of multiple variables.
B. Linear regression model
Participants receive a database and have 45 minutes to:
- Run a linear regression and name it regression.
- Check one of the assumptions of the linear model: linearity of the model, no perfect or near multicolinearity, homoskedasticity errors, normality of the residuals.
- Perform one of the:
- Plot the dependent variable against an independent variable and add the regression line/against all the quantitative independent variables (for loop) and store all the scatter plots into a single .pdf file
- Store the correlation matrix/the regression results into a .csv file locally.
- Interpret the result of the test of the assumptions of the linear model (conditional statement), R-squared, coefficients, a coefficient - if statistically significant etc.
For each meeting, I provide a list of proposed extra-exercises for those interested (rBasics_Meeting no._exercises.pdf). These exercises are of 4 types (hopefully supporting many different learning styles):
- Comment
- Reproduce
- Produce
- Debug
To cover the diverse backgrounds and interests of the participants, these exercises included short examples of:
- Data extraction (from a .pdf file, Yahoo, Eurostat)
- Creating sub-datasets with rolling windows
- Data pre-processing (normalization)
Throughout this course I used two data sets (slightly altered to meet the course’s purposes) from Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2013). Introductory econometrics: a modern approach. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, namely:
- campus - Campus crimes.csv (Meetings 3-6)
- engin - Wages.csv (Meetings 7-8)
The original data sets are available at:
My teaching style is highly influenced by the ones of my excellent professors and colleagues at UBB FSEGA, in particular by professor Cristian Litan. Also, I am grateful to Anna Keresztes and Marcos Dominguez for their positive influence on my coding style while working together.