OpenCV based visual logger for debugging, logging and testing image processing code
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
pip install opencv-log
import cvlog as log
# Set default mode and level
# If we dont set, then default mode is NONE
# and the default level is ERROR
# image read using opencv
img = cv2.imread("sample.png")
# log or show the image or do nothing based on
# the current mode and current level
log.image(log.Level.INFO, img)
log.image(log.Level.ERROR, img)
log.image(log.Level.TRACE, img)
import cvtest as test
# Process Image from image path
def process_image(imagepath):
if imagepath == "error.png":
raise Exception("Some exception in processing image")
img = cv2.imread(imagepath)
return img
# This shows image using cv2.imshow,
# On presssing 'y' key, it report it as PASS
# On pressing any other key, it report it as FAIL and save output image for verification
# On any exception, it report it as ERROR with exception stack, process_image)
import cvlog as log
Set mode using ENV variable
os.environ['CVLOG_MODE'] = "DEBUG"
This is the default mode if we don't set mode.
Used in production. It neither creates HTML file nor shows an image.
Logs the image to interactive HTML to analyze the issue offline.
Shows the image using cv2.imshow
instead of logging to debug steps in the development.
It on move on to next log step on pressing any key and exit the code on pressing ESC
import cvlog as log
os.environ['CVLOG_MODE'] = "TRACE"
- Level.ERROR (Default) - Log or Show only ERROR level
- Level.INFO - Log or Show INFO and ERROR level
- Level.TRACE - Log or Show TRACE, INFO and ERROR level steps
Level valid for DEBUG and LOG mode
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.