Brief description of the program:
- There are two web crawlers to build the database:
- The first scrapes the data needed such as class start time, class end time, location for all the classes offered during a given semester from the school's schedule website and store them in a database.
- The second finds all the rooms and buildings in the university and stores them in the database.
- Django app that helps students to find a classroom/lab to study at the time and location of their convince across the campus using the data from the database.
- Clean up the code (as this is a temporary branch and doesn't have the final code)
Add hitcounterHost the website on Ubuntu server and use nginx as a web server. Replace DDNS with DNS domain- Add all possible locations available for students to study and get help such as tutoring and student support locations.
- Integrate the scraper with an admin panel to update the database every semester
- Add user feedback page
- Ultimately support more schools