This repository is my project hand-in for the AKT3 course on Deep Learning & Computer Vision.
For training this model we will be using the FER2013 dataset.
The dataset contains 48x48 images of human faces.
Using the distribution we can determine a baseline accuracy.
HappyCounts / TotalCounts = 0.25
Baseline accuracy = 25%
So by always guessing Happy
we could reach an accuracy of 25%. Our goal is to improve that with the CNN.
Using the
script we are training a Facial emotion Recognition model that classifies images of human faces on 7 emotions ("Angry", "Disgust", "Fear", "Happy", "Sad", "Surprise", "Neutral"
We split up the dataset into train, validation and test data.
- Train dataset size: 25120 examples
- Validation dataset size: 7179 examples
- Test dataset size: 3588 examples
As shown in the graphs above we achieve very poor performance with our baseline parameters.
Parameter | Value |
learning_rate | 0.01 |
loss | categorical_crossentropy |
epochs | 50 |
batch_size | 128 |
early_stopping_patience | 7 |
lr_patience | 5 |
lr_reduction_factor | 0.1 |
optimizer | Adam |
num_classes | 7 |
input_shape | (48, 48, 1) |
shuffle | True |
restore_best_weights | True |
In my first run the model only achieved a validation accuracy of 21% which is very poor. I was confused because other resources showed me that on this dataset significantly higher validation accuracies with similar CNNs could be achieved.
My hypothesis is that I chose a far to high starting learning rate which lead to very early convergence and therefore significant underfitting. By reducing the learning rate I expect better results.
Parameter | Value |
learning_rate | 0.001 |
Validation Loss | Validation Accuracy | Learning Rate |
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As we can see in the resulting charts my hypothesis was correct and by reducing the learning rate we achieve much better results.
The new validation loss curve is very erratic. I want to make it smoother and reduce the bumpiness of the curve. For this I again will lower the learning rate by a factor of 10.
Parameter | Value |
learning_rate | 0.0001 |
As we can see in the resulting charts my hypothesis was correct and by reducing the learning rate the curve is much less erratic.
Validation Loss | Validation Accuracy | Learning Rate |
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For some reason in the EarlyStopping callback the restore_best_weights option actually chooses a worse configuration of the model at the end. By disabling the option we want to prohibit that behaviour.
Parameter | Value |
restore_best_weights | False |
In the following graph we see that by disabling the restore_best_weights
option we can actually keep the better model in the end.
I evaluated my best_model on the test dataset and did some experiments.
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.models import load_model
import numpy as np
# Load the saved model from the specified path
model_path = 'output/best_model'
model = load_model(model_path)
train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = load_and_preprocess_data()
# metrics from model.evaluate
val_accuracy = model.evaluate(test_dataset)
print(f"Testing accuracy: {val_accuracy}")
# Get predictions for test data
predictions = model.predict(test_dataset)
# Since 'predictions' is a 2D array, each row corresponds to predictions for a given input
# To get the first prediction, we select the first row
first_prediction = predictions[0]
# Get the class with the highest probability from the first prediction
predicted_class = np.argmax(first_prediction)
print(f"First prediction {first_prediction}")
print(f"Predicted class for the first test example: {predicted_class} = Happy")
Loading dataset...
113/113 [==============================] - 3s 13ms/step - loss: 1.2757 - accuracy: 0.5256 - categorical_accuracy: 0.5256
Testing accuracy: [1.275729775428772, 0.5256410241127014, 0.5256410241127014]
113/113 [==============================] - 3s 13ms/step
First prediction [0.32203916 0.01416158 0.04879333 0.24709927 0.19526306 0.02899002
Predicted class for the first test example: 0 = Happy