RAD Shopify api client for Python 3.x
pip install shopify-trois
from shopify_trois import Credentials, Collection
from shopify_trois.models import *
from shopify_trois.engines.http import Json as Shopify
credentials = Credentials(
api_key='your api key',
scope=['read_content', 'write_orders'],
secret='your api key secret'
shopify = Shopify(shop_name="your store name", credentials=credentials)
# Redirect the shop owner to the url provided by `shopify.oauth_authorize_url()`
# print(shopify.oauth_authorize_url())
# Get the oauth temporary code and set it in the credentials object.
credentials.code = "oauth temporary code"
# fetch the access token
# credentials.oauth_access_token will contain the access token. It would be a good idea to save it somewhere.
credentials = Credentials(
api_key='your api key',
secret='your app secret',
oauth_access_token="your access token"
shopify = Shopify(shop_name="your store name", credentials=credentials)
# The client is now ready to communicate with Shopify
# Fetch the store information
shop = shopify.fetch(Shop)
# Set the shop as public
shop.public = True
# Calling changes() on a model instance will show the modified properties.
webhook = Webhook()
webhook.address = "http://do-not-just-copy-this.com"
webhook.format = "json"
webhook.topic = "orders/create"
# Create the webhook
# Get all the webhooks and iterates them
webhooks = shopify.index(Webhook)
for webhook in webhooks:
# webhook is a Webhook instance, created by iterating the collection.
from flask import (Blueprint, render_template, session, redirect, url_for,
request, abort)
from shopify_trois import Credentials
from shopify_trois.engines.http import Json as Shopify
from flask_trois import app
auth = Blueprint('auth', __name__)
@auth.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
if 'store' in session:
return redirect(url_for('store.view'))
if request.method == 'POST':
# Get the base app credentials. The SHOPIFY_CREDENTIALS
# object should be a Credentials instance with the api_key, secret,
# and scopes set.
credentials = app.config.get('SHOPIFY_CREDENTIALS')
#Setup a session to store the shop_name
session['shop_name'] = shop_name = request.form['shop_name']
#Setup a shopify adapter instance to create the authorization url
shopify = Shopify(shop_name=shop_name, credentials=credentials)
#Generate a url pointing back to an action on this blueprint
redirect_to = url_for('.shopify_callback', _external=True)
#Generate the oauth authorization url with a redirection to our app
oauth_url = shopify.oauth_authorize_url(
return redirect(oauth_url)
return render_template('auth/login.html')
def shopify_callback():
if not 'shop_name' in session:
shop_name = session['shop_name']
# Get the base app credentials
base_credentials = app.config.get('SHOPIFY_CREDENTIALS')
#Generate a new credential object with the base values
credentials = Credentials(
#Setup a shopify adapter instance to create the authorization url
shopify = Shopify(shop_name=shop_name, credentials=credentials)
#Verify the signature
if not shopify.verify_signature(request.args):
raise Exception("invalid signature")
#Update the credentials object with the provided temporary code
credentials.code = request.args.get('code')
#Exchange the code for an access token
#Store the access token in the session
session['access_token'] = credentials.oauth_access_token
return redirect(url_for('shop.view'))
- requests ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests )