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CLI Device Runner for iOS using XHarness

Matthew Leibowitz edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 5 revisions


Before running any tests on the CLI, you will need the XHarness .NET tool. For more information as to what that is and what it does, see the Using XXarness wiki.

Running Tests

  1. Build the app package for testing:
    dotnet build <path/to/app.csproj> -f net7.0-ios -r <runtime-identifier> -c Debug
  2. Run the tests:
    xharness apple test --target ios-simulator-64 --app <path/to/> --output-directory <path/to/output>
  3. View test results in the output path:

To build and test the app at the path sample/SampleMauiApp/SampleMauiApp.csproj and get the test output at the path artifacts on my ARM64 Apple Silicon laptop:

dotnet build sample/SampleMauiApp/SampleMauiApp.csproj \
  -f net7.0-ios \
  -r iossimulator-arm64 \
  -c Debug

xharness apple test \
  --target ios-simulator-64 \
  --app sample/SampleMauiApp/bin/Debug/net7.0-ios/iossimulator-arm64/ \
  --output-directory artifacts

# test result file will be artifacts/xunit-test-ios-simulator-64-########_######.xml


  • It appears that you cannot publish for a simulator and I am having issues building a Release app for iOS.
  • If you want to laucn on a specific device, you can pass --device <UDID> using the UDID from running:
    xharness apple state --include-simulator-uuid
  • If you want to reset the simulator before running a test and exit afterwards, add --reset-simulator to the test command:
    xharness apple test ... --reset-simulator