Robot Tournament is easist to install and run with Ruby Version Manager (RVM).. Please Install RVM if you don't already have it. See
Create and use the 'robot_tournament' gemset
rvm --create gemset use robot_tournament
Install Bundler
gem install bundler
Install the bundle
bundle install
Robots are built by programmers and have to conform to a simple protocol:
- uploaded as zip file
- zip file contains a single folder in the root from which the robot will take it's name
- the folder contains an executable file, 'move' which will be called by the tournament engine when the robot needs to make a move
See the features for examples, or the folder 'examples'
Use the following command to create and start a tournament:
./bin/create_tournament --name "battle royale" --rounds 5 --duration 10 --game rock_paper_scissors
You will also need to run
./bin/kick --repeat
Start the server like this to view the output
You might also want:
Turn up your speakers :)
The idea is to practice and encourage the XP principle of 'release early, release often' by rewarding early competitors with points.
- This session was first run at the SPA 2010 conference
- Then at the Software Craftsmanship 2010 conference.
If you run a session, please send a pull request with a link to a write-up.