- Docker
- mkcert
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/maxcelos/laravel-docker-compose.git
cd laravel-docker-compose
Open it in your IDE, search for lscore
in all files and replace it with the name of your app, for example myapp
Copy all content of this repository in the root of your Laravel project
Now in the root folder of your project, follow the steps below:
Copy .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate SSL certificates
in the command below with the name of your app, for examplemyapp
mkcert -cert-file docker/nginx/ssl/app-cert.pem -key-file docker/nginx/ssl/app-key.pem "*.lscore.localhost" "lscore.localhost"
Build docker images
docker compose build
Start containers
docker compose up -d
Install PHP dependencies
make composer install
Install Node dependencies
make pnpm install
Generate key
make artisan key:generate
Run database migration
make migrate
Update your vite.config.js
, adding the section below in your defineConfig
with your app name, for examplemyapp
server: {
host: "",
port: 5173,
cors: true,
strictPort: true,
https: {
key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'docker/nginx/ssl/app-key.pem')),
cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'docker/nginx/ssl/app-cert.pem')),
hmr: {
host: "lscore.localhost",
Start the application
make start
This will run
composer dev
command inside the container
The app should be available in https://myapp.localhost
If containers are up you can always access the app. The
command will run the hot-reload and queues.
The docker compose includes and instance of Web PgAdmin. Use the credentials below to easily access database.
URL: http://localhost:8081 Username: [email protected] Password: password
In the first access, you need to set up the connection. Follow the steps below
Right click in "Servers" > "Register"
In the "General" tab, set a name (any) for your server.
In the "Connection" tab, set the hostname as "postgres", and database, username and password will be the values from your .env. If you use the .env.example, it will be "myapp" for all.