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  • A Python package for retrieving WHOIS information of DOMAIN'S ONLY.
  • Python 2.x IS NOT supported.
  • Currently no additional python packages need to be installed.


On January 19, 2023, ICANN opened voting on a global amendment to all its registry and registrar agreements. In it they defined an RDAP Ramp-Up Period of 180 days starting with the effectiveness of this amendment. 360 days after this period is defined as the WHOIS Services Sunset Date, after which it is not a requirement for registries and registrars to offer a WHOIS service and instead only an RDAP service is required. All voting thresholds were met within the 60 day voting period and the amendment was approved by the ICANN Board. The date for WHOIS Sunset for gTLDs was set as 28 January 2025.[47]

  • We are aware of a memory leak

2024-02-05: The current whoisdomain has a memory leak, we are currently investigating. The memory leak is not relevant for short running use but when using whoisdomain in long running programs you should be aware that each query will increase its memory use.

  • This package will not support querying ip CIDR ranges or AS information
  • This was a copy of the original DanyCork 'whois'.
    • Significantly refactored in 2023.
    • The output is still compatible with DanyCork 'whois'


  • I will start versioning at 1.x.x
    • the second item will be YYYYMMDD,
    • the third item will start from 1 and be only used if more than one update will have to be done in one day.

Versions 1.x.x will keep the output compatible with Danny Cork until 2024-02-03 (February 2024)


  • Releases are avalable at: Pypi

Pypi releases can be installed with:

  • pip install whoisdomain



  • please install also the command line "whois" of your distribution as this library parses the output of the "whois" cli command of your operating system

Notes for Mac users

  • it has been observed that the default cli whois on Mac is showing each forward step in its output, this makes parsing the result very unreliable.
  • using a brew install whois will give in general better results.

Docker release

Usage example


ccTLD & TLD support

Most tld's are now autodetected via IANA root db, see the Analizer directory and make suggest.

  • see the file: tld_regexpr
  • for python use: whoisdomain.validTlds()
  • for cli use whoisdomain -S


  • Python 3.x is supported for x >= 9
  • Python 2.x IS NOT supported.



  • see Updates for a full history of changes.
  • Only the latest update is mentioned here


  • introduce parsing based on functions
  • allow contextual search in splitted data and plain data
  • allow contextual search based on earlier result
  • fix a few tld to return the proper registrant string (not nic handle)


  • if you have installed tld (pip install tld) you can enable withPublicSuffix=True to process untill you reach the pseudo tld.
  • the public_suffix info is added if available (and if requested)
  • example case is: ./ -d --withPublicSuffix


  • fix re.NOFLAGS, it is not compatible with 3.9, it appears in 3.11


  • prepare work on pylint
  • switch to logging: all verbose is currently log.debug(); to show set LOGLEVEL=DEBUG before calling, see Makefile: make test
  • experimental: add extractServers: bool default False; when true we will try to extract the "redirect info chain" on rcf1036/whois and jwhois for linux/darwin
  • add missing option to query(), test in production environment done


  • fix from kazet for .pl tld.


New tld's and removal of a few tlds no longer supported at iana

  • abb, bw, bn, crown, crs, fj (does not work), gp (does not work), weir, realtor, post, mw, pf (a strange one), iq (gives timout), mm, int, hm (does not work)


add various second level .uk for which i can create tests; comments in the; a few have no example or whois server to test with 2024-01-23 add switch not to ignore leading www in the domain request


  • fix tld: global, it moved to a new organisation
  • fix some obsolete domains
  • fix all derived from amsterdam to use their own _server:

in progress