Includes RhinoCommon, Grasshopper, Zoo, and Rhino C++ templates and wizards for Visual Studio on Windows and Mac.
- Download the latest .vsix release.
- Close any instances of Visual Studio.
- Double click the .vsix in File Explorer.
- Run through the wizard to install the extension.
- Start Visual Studio and create a new RhinoCommon or Grasshopper project.
Install the templates from nuget. This will show the list of all templates after a successful install.
dotnet new install Rhino.Templates
Create a new folder for your project:
mkdir MyNewRhinoPlugin cd MyNewRhinoPlugin
Show options for the templates:
dotnet new rhino --help dotnet new grasshopper --help
Create the project
dotnet new rhino
Build your project
dotnet build
See for guides on how to start with Rhino Plug-In development.