Doors at Eight is a review app for the Boston live music scene. Users review their favorite venues and rate each other's reviews, building a broader picture of the best places to hear music in Boston.
Arber Theodhor, Hannah Read, Maggie Concannon, Nick Vanselow, and Serge Pokrovskii
[Doors At Eight] on Heroku (
The ability to add a venue.
The ability to review a venue by add a rating (and optional comment).
The ability to upvote or downvote a venue review. (Ajax allows us to see the result without reloading a page)
The ability to search for a venue.
User authentication (via Devise), including the ability to generate password reset emails.
Member and admin user roles to allow for administration of the site, permitting admins to delete reviews or venues if they are deemed to be inappropriate.
The ability to upload a user profile photo (with CarrierWave).
Venue owner notification when new reviews are left for a venue they've created using ActionMailer and SendGrid.
Tweets posted to @doors_at_eight Twitter account when new reviews are created.
Homepage automatically updated when a new review is added
It was build using the following technologies:
- Ruby
- RubyOnRails
- React
- JavaScript
- Authentication using Devise
- Database using Postgres sql
- Flexible Pub/Sub Messaging using Pusher API
- Uploading profile photos CarrierWave
- Searching data base Postgres pg gem
- ActionMailer
- Posting tweets Twitter API
Run: git clone
Install web kit. Read about it here
bundle install
Get your pusher keys from here Set up pusher keys at .env example: