Digital LED thermometer on ATTINY13 + LM35 and TM1637 4-digit LED Arduino module. Uses analog temperature sensor LM35 for 0-100C degrees measurement range, can be modify to work in range -50 -> +100 Celsius degrees by replacing LM35 with TMP36 or by adding pullup resistor and additional reference voltage measurements. Please look into other GitHub repos :
LM35 modification for Negative temperatures measurements
TMP36 usage :
to see how it works - look here
How to connect :
LM35 Vout to ATTINY13 PB4 pin,
TM1637 DIO_PIN to ATTINY13 PB0 pin,
TM1637 CLK_PIN to ATTINY13 PB1 pin.
VCC (5V from USB or LM7805 stabilizer) and GND must be connected to all : LM35, ATTINY13 and TM1637 module
5V from VCC is used as a reference for LM35/TM1637 measurement so must be stable for good results.
Link to video how to program the chip :