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Welcome to Expo on Replit 👋

This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app, and adapted to use on Replit.

Expo is an open-source React Native framework for apps that run natively on Android, iOS, and the web. Expo brings together the best of mobile and the web and enables many important features for building and scaling an app such as live updates, instantly sharing your app, and web support.

Using Replit, you can build Expo apps from BOTH your desktop and mobile devices.

Get started

Click the Run button to start the app.

In the output, use the QR code to open the app in Expo Go, or open a webview.

You can start developing by editing the files inside the app directory. This project uses file-based routing.

You can also follow along in our video tutorial here.

Here is the structure for the app, all core files are found in app/:

├── app                          # Main application directory (Expo Router)
│   ├── _layout.tsx              # Root layout component for the app
│   ├── +not-found.tsx           
│   └── (tabs)                   # Tab navigation group
├── app.json                     # Expo configuration file
├── assets                       # Static assets directory
│   ├── fonts                    # Custom fonts
│   └── images                   # Image assets
├── components                   # Reusable component directory
│   ├── Collapsible.tsx          # Collapsible/expandable component
│   ├── ExternalLink.tsx         # External link handler component
│   ├── HapticTab.tsx            # Tab with haptic feedback
│   ├── HelloWave.tsx            # Wave animation component
│   ├── ParallaxScrollView.tsx   # Scrollview with parallax effect
│   ├── __tests__                # Component test directory
│   ├── ThemedText.tsx           # Theme-aware text component
│   ├── ThemedView.tsx           # Theme-aware view component
│   └── ui                       # UI component library
├── constants                    # Application constants
│   └── Colors.ts                # Color definitions
├── expo-env.d.ts                
├── generated-icon.png           
├── hooks                        # Custom React hooks
│   ├── useColorScheme.ts        # Hook for handling color scheme
│   ├── useColorScheme.web.ts    # Web-specific color scheme hook
│   └── useThemeColor.ts         # Hook for theme colors
├── package.json                 # NPM package configuration
├── package-lock.json            
├──                    # Project documentation
├── replit.nix                   
├── scripts                      
│   └── reset-project.js         # Project reset script
└── tsconfig.json                # TypeScript configuration

Publishing your app

The following steps will guide you through deploying your app from Replit to your iOS device. This tutorial covers: - Creating a preview build

  • Installing the preview build on your iOS device

While the app will only be useable on your device, this will suffice for building and testing tools. To publish your app on the App store, you'll need to configure your app in App Store Connect.

For additional details, refer to the Apple and Expo documentation.

Initial Setup

  1. Remix the Expo Template

    • Creates a new project with the latest Expo SDK
    • Includes essential configurations and dependencies
    • Sets up a basic app structure following best practices
  2. Create Apple Developer Account

    • Register for a developer account (requires $99/year subscription)
    • Select appropriate certificate (Development or Distribution)
    • Select or generate device profile for test device installation
    • Set up code signing and provisioning profiles
    • Wait 24-48h for Apple to approve the account

Build Configuration

  1. Initialize EAS Project Click the dropdown underneath the "Run" button and select "EAS Init" Alternatively, you can run:

    npx eas init
    • Creates a new EAS project in the current directory
    • Follow the interactive prompts to configure your project
  2. Update EAS Configuration Click the dropdown underneath the "Run" button and select "EAS Update" Alternatively, you can run:

    npx eas update --auto
    • Sets up Expo Application Services for build management
    • Creates necessary build profiles in eas.json
    • Configures over-the-air updates capability

    Expected output:

    [expo-cli] Starting Metro Bundler
    ⠸ Exporting...
  3. Build iOS Preview Click the dropdown underneath the "Run" button and select "EAS Build iOS" Alternatively, you can run:

    npx eas build --platform ios --profile preview
    • Generates a development build optimized for testing
    • Includes debugging tools and development features
    • Creates smaller build size compared to production builds

    Required steps:

    • Create iOS bundle identifier (e.g.,
    • Accept warning about iOS encryption
    • Log in to Apple Developer account
    • Create or reuse distribution certificate
    • Create or reuse device profile

Build Process

  1. Handle Initial Build

    • Note: First build may fail with GraphQL error
    • Solution: Simply re-run the build command
    • This is a common first-time issue during EAS service initialization
  2. Wait for Build Completion

    • Expected duration: 10-15 minutes
    • System will display progress updates
  3. Access Build Results

    • QR code will display when build is ready
    • Scan with iPhone camera
    • Installation process begins automatically

Device Setup

  1. Configure Test Device Required steps:
    • Install device profile
    • Enable Developer mode:
      1. Open iOS Settings
      2. Navigate to General → Security
      3. Enable Developer Mode
    • Restart device Note: These steps are required for installing development builds For detailed instructions, visit: Expo Documentation

Final Installation

  1. Install and Run
    • Scan QR code with iPhone camera
    • Follow installation prompts
    • Install the app
    • Launch and test the app

Next Steps

  • Configure production builds for App Store submission
  • Set up development builds for testing

Get a fresh project

If you'd like to reset your project, run:

npm run reset-project

This command will move the starter code to the app-example directory and create a blank app directory where you can start developing.

Learn more

To learn more about developing your project with Expo, look at the following resources:

Join the community

Join our community of developers creating universal apps.


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