Karate practice strengthens the mind, it teaches "Mentality over technique".
Having tried shotokan karate myself, I can say that it is a fantasic sport! It not only strengthens your body but also your mind and spirit.
My Sensei Seamus O'Dowd is a 6th Dan black belt. He has been teaching Karate for over two decades. His students are all over the world. Since 2018, he decided to give up his job and teach Karate full time in his Dojo in Stamullen Co.Meath.
This website is a mockup site designed for Sensei Seamus's Dojo.
As a user/potential learner, there are a few things they would like to find out. For example, the history of the dojo, about the instructors, what kind of martial arts classes does the dojo provide, and the class timetable.
Easy to navigate
Visually pleasing
As a... | I want to... | So I can... |
Potential Student | Immediately understand the purpose of the site | Decide whether to stay or leave |
Know the background of the Dojo | So I have a brief idea about the dojo | |
Find out who the instructor is | Decide if I want to train with him/her | |
Find out what kind of classes are avaliable | Understand what kind of martial arts are taught here | |
Find out the class schedule | See if the timetable matches mine | |
Easily browse through the cost of membership | Learn how much it costs and decide whether to join | |
Browse through the shop | Purchase products | |
Add items to my shopping bag before registering | Avoiding registering if not neccessary | |
Search classes and products by name | Find specific class or products | |
Choose clothes and belts size | Customise purchases to my preference | |
Contact the dojo for more information | Make a decision | |
Registered User | Save my default delivery details | Proceed to checkout more quickly in the future |
View my previous purchases | Make a repeat order | |
Review my shopping bag prior to checkout | Remove/Adjust quantities | |
Recieve confirmation of my orders | Have proof of purchase | |
Recieve free delivery above an order threshold | Feel rewarded for larger purchases | |
Site Owner | View, add, edit and delete products | Keep the product list up to date |
Have a simple payment system | Easily make changes for all products |
The main color scheme of this project is grey, white, black and red as it is Shotokan Karate logo's main color scheme. The following is the color pallatte:
The hero images slides I have chose to use in the home page is mainly black and white with a soft tone to it. So it goes well with the overall color scheme.
Lato - Lato is a sans serif typeface family it gives the website a soft generic feel.
Gemunu Libre - I chose this font for the navbar as it gives the feeling of old and traditional.
Grechen Fuemen - I used this font for the main logo because I think it looks a little bit like Japanese writing.
Wireframes created at the start of the project for mobile and desktop can be accessed here.
There were some deviations from the plan due to time constraints. There were:
Not including a product review system.
Not including a wishlist due to the complexity of implementing Ajax.
Not including pagination.
A relational database is best suited to this project given the number of relationships between the models. SQLite was used during development and Heroku Postgres in production. The diagram below may help visualise the database and relationships between each model.
Created on registration for each user, holds user information that can be used to speed up checkout process.
Stores order history for previous orders to encourage repeat orders.
Holds the infomation about a product including name, description, price, stock count and rating.
The foreign key to 'ProductImage' is very important as it allows multiple images attach to this particular product.
Similar to 'ProductImages', the foreign key relationship between 'Product' and 'Variation' is crucial as it gives different product its individual unique sizes and colors.
The relationship to 'Category' is descriptive.
- This model stores multiple images for each product. This is ideal in a real life scenario. A product is more than likely to have more than one image attached to it. Also gives the user a better user experience.
- This model allows us to give each product a different variation regardless of the category/value. In my case, I was able to give the products different colors and sizes.
This model divides the products into category according to their types.
Considering the chances of blank spaces we also give it a friendly name.
- Stores information about an order such as user, order number, delivery details and total cost.
- This model stores each product in each order by its name, size, quantity and a subtotal.
- A bag has been create each time a lineitem has been added to the bag along with a bag id and deleted after each checkout.
- This model has a foriegnkey relation to product model, and many to many relationship with the variation model.
- This model generates the home page hero image slides.
- This model sends the users' name, email and messages into admin.
Navbar - consistent on all pages and provides quick access to all areas of the site.
Search Bar - allows the user to search a particular product with a key word.
Toasts - Bootstrap toasts give interaction to users after each action carried out. Shows the shopping bag view for quick checkout option. Avoids confusion and gives user a better experience.
Responsive - Bootstrap's grid system and various media queries had been used throughout the project to ensure responsiveness.
User Profile - allow users to save their information for easy acess for next visit. Order history encourages repeat order.
Bag Item Counts - the number of items in the shopping bag tells users how many items they have added to the bag.
Navbar Banner - tells the user about free classes and free delivery offer.
Footer - tells the user about the site purpose and developer info.
Hero image slides gives potential customers a brief idea what the dojo providing.
The quick links give the users quick access to specific areas of the site.
The featured products section draws users attention that there is a shop in the site to encourage potential purchases.
Product cards show the essential details of the product (name, rating, price and category)
View Prouct details button tells the user there's more to explore.
Bootstrap Breadcrumb indicates which page the user is on and how many products are avaliable on the page.
The filtering bar allows the users to sort the products by specific query.
Back to top button allows the users to go back to the top at any time.
In addtion to the information the products page gives to the user, the product detail page gives the user a brief description about the product.
There are also more images displayed when applicable.
The user then has an option of choosing a color or size for that specific product if it applies.
Two buttons provided at the bottom to add to bag or keep shopping.
Allows line item quantities to be altered or removed from the bag and updates on each change.
Shows bag total, delivery, and grand total of the order.
Provides link to the specific product, allow easy alteration to sizes and colors etc.
If bag total is less than free delivery threshold, amount required to receive free delivery is shown.
Shows order summary and form to input delivery details.
Payment handled by Stripe and reliability improved by use of webhooks.
Registered users
If delivery details previously saved, form will be pre-populated with them.
Option to save delivery details for future purchases.
Shows a summary of the order identifier, contact info and delivery information provided, as well as details of the order itself. On checkout the user is sent a confirmation email with details about their order.
A quick link to go back to the shop.
Default contact and delivery info
Ability to update to make future checkouts quicker
View previous orders using same template as checkout success page
Can add/edit a product, chosing all of its required features.
Can choose whether or not the product shows on home page featured product section.
On submitting the addition/change, super user is sent to the updated product detail page.
Account security is covered by Django's allauth.
All users:
- Read all products
Registered users:
- Update their delivery details
Super users:
- Create, update and delete any products
Static and image files are served from an Amazon S3 Bucket.
When users request to delete an 'orderline' product from their shopping bag or a superuser request to delete an product, an alert pops up to confirm if they wish to do so to prevent accidental deletion.
Routes are protected using Django's @login_required route decorators to ensure non-super-users cannot interfere with the database.
404 and 500 error handling Pages for 404 and 500 errors keep the user on the site when something goes wrong, allowing them to return to the content with minimal disruption.
Blog app to display industry and Kumite Dojo news, including comments feature to engage with the community and gather more feedback.
Wishlisht for users to save their favourite products.
Product reviews, so the users can come back and leave a review after their purchase.
"Learning App" to show karate techniques and videos etc.
Amazon AWS (S3, IAM)
Python 3 - core code
pipenv - package installation and python environment control
Git - version control
Amazon AWS S3 Bucket - host the site's static and media files
Values for the env.py environment variables and Heroku Config Vars used in the sections below will be unique to each sqlight, Postgres and S3 Bucket created. Please refer to their respective documentation for further details.
How to clone Kumite Dojo and run locally
To clone this project from its GitHub repository:
1.From the repository, click Code
2.Go to the Clone >> HTTPS section, copy the clone URL for the repository
3.Go to your local IDE open your CLI
4.Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made
5.Type git clone
, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 2
git clone https://github.com/MelindaZhang2020/CI-MS4-kumite-dojo.git
6.Press Enter. Your local clone will be created
7.Create a file called env.py to hold your app's environment variables, which should contain the following:
import os
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "app secret key of your choice"
os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = "stripe public key generated by stripe"
os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = "Stripe secret key generated by stripe"
os.environ["STRIPE_WH_SECRET"] = "webhook secret key generated by stripe"
os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"
To find your Stripe keys, login to Stripe and then under the Developers tab look for the 'Publishable Key' and 'Secret Key'
The webhook secret key can be found under Webhooks once you have created an endpoint, which should be set to receive all events and match this url structure:
<your site's base url>/checkout/wh/
You will need a different endpoint for the local version and deployed site, updating the STRIPE_WH_SECRET accordingly in their respective environment variables.
8.Make sure the following are listed in your .gitignore file to prevent any environment variables being pushed publicly:
9.Create and activate virtual environment using:
pipenv shell
10.Install all the app requirements using:
pip install requirements.txt
11.Apply database migrations using:
python manage.py migrate
12.Create a new superuser and fill in your own details using:
python manage.py createsuperuser
13.The app can now be running loacally using:
python manage.py runserver
How to deploy to Heroku
1.Log In to Heroku
2.Select Create new app from the dropdown in the Heroku dashboard
3.Choose a unique name('Kumite-dojo') for the app and the location nearest to you
4.Under Resources search and add Heroku Postgres database to your app and choose the free plan
5.Go to your CLI install dj_database_url and psycopg2 so that you can sue Postges on your deployed site, commands are:
pipenv install dj_database_url
pipenv install Psycopg2-binary
6.Add those packages to requirements.txt using:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
7.Go to settings.py, setup the new database using code below:
import dj_database_url
if "DATABASE_URL" in os.environ:
DATABASES = {"default": dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"))}
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
"NAME": BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3",
9.Set debug using:
DEBUG = "DEVELOPMENT" in os.environ
10.Get database url from heroku settings > config vars or using:
heroku config
in env.py
12.Log into heroku via Heroku CLI using:
heroku login -i
13.Migrate the database into Postgres using:
python manage.py migrate
14.Import all product data using the fixtures created during development
15.Create a new superuser and fill in your own details using:
python manage.py createsuperuser
16.Install gunicorn
pipenv install gunicorn
17.Add the package into requirements
pip freeze > requirements.txt
18.Create a file call Procfile and include the following, making sure not to leave a blank line after it:
web:gunicorn kumite_dojo.wsgi:application
19.Disable Heroku's static file collection (temporarily)
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app kumite-dojo
20.Add the hostname of your heroku app to settings.py
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["kumite-dojo.herokuapp.com", "localhost"]
21.Commit all changeds to github
22.Go to the Settings tab and under Config Vars choose Reveal Config Vars and set Django secret key where you can find in your env.py as SECRET_KEY
23.Initial heroku git remote using:
heroku git:remote -a kumite-dojo
24.Deploy to Heroku using:
git push heroku main
25.Your deployed site can be launched by clicking Open App from its page within Heroku.
26.Back in Heroku, select the Deploy tab and under Deployment method choose GitHub
27.Go to Connect to GitHub enter your GitHub repository details and once found, click Connect, under Automatic deploys choose Enable Automatic Deploys
Setting up an S3 Bucket (Amazon Simple Storage Service)
1.Create an Amazon AWS account
2.Search for S3 and create a new bucket name it the same as your Heroku app(kumite-dojo)
uncheck block all public access box
check "I acknowledge that the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public."
3.Under Properties > Staticwebsite hosting
index.html as Index document
error.html as Error document
4.Under Permissions > CORS use:
"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": []
5.Under Permissions > Bucket Policy:
Generate Bucket Policy and take note of Bucket ARN
Chose S3 Bucket Policy as Type of Policy
For Principal, enter *
Actions Get Object and Put Object
Enter ARN noted above
Add statement
Generate policy
Copy the policy JSON Document paste into Edit bucket policy
Add a /* onto the end of the resource key
Save changes
6.Under Access Control List (ACL):
For Everyone (public access), tick List
Accept that everyone in the world may access the Bucket
Save changes
Setting up AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
1.From the IAM dashboard within AWS, select User Groups:
Create new group e.g. manage-kumite-dojo
Click through without adding a policy
Create Group
2.Select Policies:
Create policy
Under JSON tab, click Import managed policy
Choose AmazongS3FullAccess
Edit the resource to include the Bucket ARN noted earlier when creating the Bucket Policy:
"Resource": [
Click next step and go to Review policy
Give the policy a name e.g. kumite-dojo-policy and description
Create Policy
3.Go back to User Groups and choose the group created earlier
Under Permissions > Add permissions, choose Attach Policies and select the one just created
Add Permissions
4.Under Users:
Choose a user name e.g. kumite-dojo-staticfiles-user
Select Programmatic access as the Access type
Click Next
Add the user to the Group just created
Click Next and Create User
5.Download the .csv containing the access key and secret access key. This will NOT be available to download again
Connecting Django to S3
1.Install boto3 and django-storages
pipenv install boto3
pipenv install django-storages
pip freeze > requirements.txt
2.Add 'storages' to settings.py INSTALLED_APPS
3.Go to settings.py and set the bucket config,
if "USE_AWS" in os.environ:
# Bucket Config
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = "eu-west-1"
4.Add the values from the .csv you downloaded to your Heroku Config Vars under Settings:
variable from your Config Vars and deploy your Heroku app
- Create custom_storage.py with code below:
from django.conf import settings
from storages.backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage
class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION
class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage):
location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
7.Go to settings.py, set the static and media files storage and location and override static and media urls in production:
# Static and media files
STATICFILES_STORAGE = "custom_storages.StaticStorage"
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "custom_storages.MediaStorage"
# Override static and media URLs in production
8.With your S3 bucket now set up, you can create a new folder called media (at the same level as the newly added static folder) and upload any required media files to it, making sure they are publicly accessible under Permissions
9.Add stripe keys in Config Vars in heroku, making sure the name matches settings.py
10.Add stripe webhook endpoint with the deployed site url:
11.Get the new STRIPE_WH_SECRET
and added it to the config vars.
12.Now your site is fully deployed at https://kumite-dojo.herokuapp.com
Full details of testing can be found here.
Coding Point - Django Tutorial for beginners - create "ProductImage" model and attach multiple images to single product.
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application - learned create variation model and variation manager from this course
How to Customize Django Admin - Banners and featured products
Upload Multiple Images to a Django Model without plugins - upload multiple images in django admin product model
Add a Custom Favicon to your Django Web App - add favicon to the site
Martial Arts Inc - used this site as an inspiration
Blitzsports.com - all products images and descriptions
- pixabay - logo and hero images
I would like to thank:
My mentor Antonio Rodriguez for his patience and generosity with his times.
Help and support from fellow students in the Slack community.
Tutor support and student care team.
This site was developed for educational purposes only.