Releases: memeLab/Jandig
Everything Everywhere Secure at Once
This release focuses on security enhancements, system improvements, and bug fixes to ensure a more stable and secure experience for users. Key updates include:
- Implementation of a local SMTP server for improved email handling.
- Upgrade of Django and Python for better performance and security.
- Integration of Google's reCAPTCHA v3 to enhance authentication security.
- Refinements in the Docker environment and storage settings.
- Improvements to password reset functionality using Django's default authentication process.
- Fixes for UI/UX issues, such as modal details on the collections page.
- Translation updates and community page enhancements.
- Bug fixes related to login, signup, and exhibit creation stability.
What's Changed
- Add a local SMTP server by @pablodiegoss in #574
- Update Django and Python by @pablodiegoss in #575
- [REVIEW] 503 - Document High-Fidelity Prototype by @luiz-hfz in #504
- Update SMTP configuration and Add Google's Recaptcha V3 by @pablodiegoss in #577
- Update Docker default user and Storage settings by @pablodiegoss in #583
- [REVIEW] Fixed grammar on a document by @lorenzo7377 in #546
- Refactor reset password to use default Django auth process by @pablodiegoss in #584
- Translate community page by @pablodiegoss in #591
- Fix details modal on collections page by @pablodiegoss in #592
- Fix conflicts on MR 528 by @pablodiegoss in #600
- Creating an exhibit with repeated name crashes the frontend by @brenno-silva in #528
- Login and Signup component fix by @luiz-hfz in #530
- 289 - As an artist, I want to receive a warning when I try to upload the wrong file format, so I can publish the right one. by @brenno-silva in #517
New Contributors
- @lorenzo7377 made their first contribution in #546
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
We have a Blog and we own it
What's Changed
We Have a blog!!!
Also... :
- [WIP] 329 - Update Readme Document by @eddie-gomes in #438
- [REVIEW] 437 - Improve Architecture Document by @sofiapatrocinio in #439
- 440 - Improve signup screen error messages and 441 - Add a 'logout' button in User Profile page by @sudjoao in #442
- [REVIEW] #432 - Create Security Policy by @KiSobral in #444
- [REVIEW] 429 - Undesired words and blank space by @mibasFerraz in #447
- [REVIEW] 290 - As a developer, I want to find easily an updated code of conduct, so I can read and understand it by @Gabrielle-Ribeiro in #449
- [REVIEW] 445 - Fix prospector errors by @sofiapatrocinio in #446
- [REVIEW] 241 - Update translation by @sofiapatrocinio in #453
- [REVIEW] 436 - Problem to Run Jandig ARte by @GustavoAPS in #451
- [REVIEW] 376 - Create profile page by @sofiapatrocinio in #443
- [REVIEW] 249 Simplify Marker Upload by @pablodiegoss in #455
- Fix PR 452 by @pablodiegoss in #458
- [REVIEW] 293 - Change the sender name of the password recovery email to Jandig by @Gabrielle-Ribeiro in #452
- [REVIEW] 459 - Problems setting up the environment by @eliseukadesh67 in #461
- [REVIEW] 435 - Change Artworks order to newset to oldest by @durvalcarvalho in #479
- [REVIEW] #482 - Add label to all checkbox text by @durvalcarvalho in #483
- [REVIEW] 466 - Fix created object owner definition by @durvalcarvalho in #484
- [REVIEW] - Add link to create an artwork when there is no artwork by @durvalcarvalho in #485
- [REVIEW] #480 - Problem running/building django container image by @durvalcarvalho in #481
- [REVIEW] 468 - Create an Django REST API viewset that supports List and Retrieve for Markers by @Joao-Moura in #472
- Remove the whitenoise lib from the project by @pablodiegoss in #487
- Refactor project structure to avoid indirection on multiple folders by @pablodiegoss in #488
- Fix sentry transaction monitoring by @pablodiegoss in #489
- Create test environment and fix user tests by @pablodiegoss in #490
- Fix big auto fields warning on Core and User models by @pablodiegoss in #491
- [REVIEW] 231 - Adjust vertical spaces by @mibasFerraz in #475
- [REVIEW] 457 - Configure development pipeline by @Joao-Moura in #460
- 406 - Refactor and improve jandig artwork pages by @pablodiegoss in #492
- [REVIEW] 406 - Refactor and improve jandig artwork pages by @WelisonR in #412
- Feature/462 help installation by @joaovaladao in #467
- Create tests for Marker API by @pablodiegoss in #493
- fix: add flake8 to project and fix some lint erros by @hugonxc in #494
- feat: add object viewset, serializer, url and tests by @hugonxc in #495
- feat: add artworks viewset, serializer, url and tests by @hugonxc in #496
- feat: add exhibits viewset, serializer, url and tests by @hugonxc in #497
- [REVIEW] 498 - Docker issue by @Jonathan-Oliveira in #500
- [REVIEW] 499 - Flake8 linter by @Jonathan-Oliveira in #501
- [REVIEW] 478 - Mobile Usability issues by @JPedroCh in #505
- [REVIEW] 499 - Fix parameters of code fomatter by @Jonathan-Oliveira in #508
- [REVIEW] 509 - Translate and reorganize the help page by @luiz-hfz in #510
- [Review] 428 - no login error message when there's a space in the field by @brenno-silva in #512
- [Review] 513 Component styling fix by @luiz-hfz in #514
- [Review] 515 - Completing login screen translation by @luiz-hfz in #516
- [Review] Navigation error on "Help" page by @brenno-silva in #521
- [REVIEW] 523 - Community page translation by @PedroTorreao21 in #524
- [REVIEW] 518 - Add pagination to "see all" pages by @AntonioRangelC in #522
- Centering button text by @ubrando in #543
- Add Playwright to test UI and features by @pablodiegoss in #552
- Removendo parágrafo em português by @yandrade1305 in #531
- Add blog to Jandig by @pablodiegoss in #562
- Update blog by @pablodiegoss in #565
- Blog Release & Clean up project by @pablodiegoss in #566
New Contributors
- @eddie-gomes made their first contribution in #438
- @sofiapatrocinio made their first contribution in #439
- @sudjoao made their first contribution in #442
- @KiSobral made their first contribution in #444
- @mibasFerraz made their first contribution in #447
- @Gabrielle-Ribeiro made their first contribution in #449
- @GustavoAPS made their first contribution in #451
- @eliseukadesh67 made their first contribution in #461
- @Joao-Moura made their first contribution in #463
- @durvalcarvalho made their first contribution in #479
- @joaovaladao made their first contribution in #467
- @Jonathan-Oliveira made their first contribution in #500
- @JPedroCh made their first contribution in #505
- @luiz-hfz made their first contribution in #510
- @brenno-silva made their first contribution in #512
- @PedroTorreao21 made their first contribution in #524
- @AntonioRangelC made their first contribution in #522
- @ubrando made their first contribution in #543
- @yandrade1305 made their first contribution in #531
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
You Know My Exhibition Name (Look Up on Search)
As the number of Exhibitions grew, it was becoming harder to find them on the drop-down menu. Our main highlight on this release is a search field on the AR Viewer where you can write the name of the Exhibition you want to see.
We had lots of improvements and bugs fixed in this version. Some of them were in the development branch and were just merged in the master branch recently.
This version is being released thanks to the effort of:
@anacforcelli @caue96 @darmsDD @devsalula @discombobulateme @GabrielDVpereira @hockpond @hugonxc @manuengsf @marcos-mv @MatheusBlanco @pablodiegoss @PauloVitorRocha @rodrigocam @shayanealcantara @valessiobrito @victoralvesgomide @vjpixel @WelisonR @ZarathosDeath
🌟 Highlights:
- Improved login system.
- Improved Object publication.
- Improved Marker publication.
🚀 New:
- Created robots.txt. #291 #390
- Created specific pages for creation and edition of content. #307
- Improved visibility of wrong login messages. #314
- Created issue and PR templates. #324 #375 #391
- Created button to redirect marker generator. #327
- Created Software Architecture Document (SAD). #333
- Blocked the editing of markers and objects used by other people's Exhibits or Artworks. #351
- Improved code readability. #353 #354 #356 #357 #358 #360 #362 #365 #403 #407 #411
- Created sliders for object positions. #373
- Improved titles on Django admin. #392
- GET methods now have @require_http_methods(["GET"]) decorator. #399
- Improved password recovery hash. #416
- Updated Django version dependency. #424
- Migrated to AWS. #425
🔧 Fixes:
- Fixed the highlighting of selected items breaking lines. #262
- Fixed GIFs being rendered as video. #299
- Fixed slug input for exhibition URL. #318
- Fixed Mp4 video proportions breaking create artwork; #319
- Fixed video edit, preview and delete buttons not showing. #320
- Fixed a wrong calculation that was changing the stored values for the Adjust Scale field. #322
- Fixed readme incorrect commands. #335
- Fixed delete content button not working. #342
- Fixed edit button over delete button. #343
- Fixed IndexError when trying to access the Collection. #344
- Fixed password recovery. #374, #396, #398, #401
- Fixed the Object scale field. #368
- Fixed tooltip moving form fields. #377
- Limit files shown to the user when trying to upload an image to Jandig Generator. #418
- When sending several images in the creation of a marker or object, all of them were visible (and only should be the last one). #420
Video killed the GIF star
Our main highlight on this release is the support for videos (.webm and .mp4 files). This impacts the content that can be published and the user experience (since we will have smaller file sizes, it'll load faster).
Other highlights:
- Improved the navigation on the CMS, so it's easier to find the contents you love.
- Improved the publication workflow, so it's easier to publish your work.
- Created a "confirm deletion" pop-up for distracted people. =)
- Improved the login workflow.
- When a user accesses an Exhibition, it is cached, so it works offline afterwards.
Detailed improvements:
- Users now can recover their passwords #218
- Artists now can see artworks using the View button (before including them in an exhibition) #232
- Users can click on "Used in X artworks and in Y exhibits" to check where they can see a marker or object #237
- Users now view a "confirm deletion" pop-up when clicking on the delete button #238
- Artists now can publish videos! #248
- Curators can create exhibits with other artists' artworks (without the need to create a copy) #250
- Added links from exhibitions to artworks, and from artworks to objects and markers #251
- Users can pre-load the content of exhibits, creating an offline cache #258
- Users now receive a warning when they input the wrong login #287
- Users now receive a warning when they input the wrong password #288
- Update translation
Bug fixes:
Uni 1.1.2
Main changes:
- Fix item highlighting on create artworks
- Update translations
- Minor text fixes
- Order exhibit list by name on selection screen
- Fix generator link hardcoded
Uni 1.1.1
Fixed both Welcome translations and not authenticated access to the exhibit's detail.
Uni 1.1.0
Added feature to delete content that is being unused and exhibits too!
Minor translation errors fixed
First Jandig-ARte production release with user own content management.
Possible to create and edit:
- Markers
- Objects
- Artworks
- Exhibits
Fix submit button
rc_1.0.1 Fix double click on exhibit select