The submission for "TopcoderFUN HACKATHON CHALLENGE - EPISODE 4!!" below.
A Korean traditional board game 'Yut-nori' in collaboration with Marvel comics API.
'Yut' is replaced by the dice with numbers from 1 to 5.
This is a competition game between 2 players. 3 or more players can be assigned,
but not recommend for so much collision among checkers.
Generally, checkers have to run around the circle(or square) on the board to return to start point.
But, can return more faster if your checker stops at a beacon. It's the way points for the shortcuts
The shortcut route of Yut-nori is like this.
There're two types of 'Yut-nori' board, a square type and a circle type.
* Additional rule
1) If a checker steps on the step opponent's occupying, the checker of the opponent will be killed and should be returned to it's base. and you'll also get one more chance of roll the dice.
2) If rolled dice shows number 4, it means 'Yut', you'll get on more chance of roll the dice
3) But when you catch opponent's checker by 'Yut(4)', you won't get another chance of roll the dice
You may find how to operate this game app on
Made with AndroidStudio IDE and Volley, Gson, Glide library.