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Precipitation and temperature cross check

Cristian Lussana edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 1 revision

The in-situ precipitation observations are tested and if the temperature (extracted from a gridded dataset) is less than a predefined provider-dependent threshold, then the precipitation observations are flagged as suspicious. This test can be useful to remove precipitation from non-heated raingauges, for example.

Command line arguments:

  • --ccrrt flag to indicate that the user requests the crosscheck
  • --ccrrt.tmin numeric vector with the temperature thresholds (in Celsius degrees)

The temperature gridded dataset and the corresponding digital elevation model (or equivalent, such as the surface geopotential field) are passed to the program by the arguments --t2m... and --t2m.dem... . See the section on how TITAN read netCDF files here.