There are a lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks available online. I try to commit myself watching at least two new talks every week, and I've been doing this for quite some time now. I created this list of online talks that I really enjoyed watching. I'll also be updating this list whenever I've watched another awesome talk that is worthy enough. Suggestions are always appreciated through a pull request. So without further ado ..
(In no particular order)
- The Computer Revolution hasn't happend yet by Alan Kay [1:04:34]
- The Future of Programming by Bret Victor [32:55]
- Inventing on Principle by Bret Victor [54:20]
- Media for Thinking the Unthinkable by Bret Victor [39:32]
- Finding a Way Out by Chris Granger [33:46]
- Programming is terrible - Lessons learned from a life wasted by Thomas Figg [1:06:43]
- Computers are a Sadness, I am the Cure by James Mickens [27:35]
- Are We There Yet? by Rich Hickey [1:10:04]
- Simple Made Easy by Rich Hickey [1:01:26]
- The Value of Values by Rich Hickey [58:53]
- The Web We Lost by Anil Dash [1:10:54]
- Growing a Language by Guy Steele [53:30]
- The Mess We're In by Joe Armstrong [45:49]
- To the Moon! by Russ Olsen [52:43]
- Simplify Challenging Software Problems with Rocket Science by Bradley Grzesiak [23:07]
- A short history of Software Engineering, and other ideas that didn't work by Paolo Perrotta [36:35]
- Linus Torvalds on Git by Linus Torvalds [1:10:14]
- The Worst Programming Language Ever by Mark Rendle [43:46]
- Unconventional Programming with Chemical Computing by Carin Meier [36:00]
- Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers by Kevlin Henney [01:02:52]
- 5 WTFs in 6 LOCs by Dorothy Wingrove [05:11]
- Functional is cool, but do you know OO by Sandro Mancuso [54:17]
- Stop Writing Classes by Jack Diederich [27:29]
- Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers by Jessica Kerr [51:13]
- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich [50:34]
- Functional Programming: What? Why? When? by Robert C. Martin [58:26]
- Deconstructing Functional Programming by Gilad Bracha [48:33]
- Living in a Post-Functional World by Daniel Spiewak [45:46]
- Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala by Daniel Spiewak [39:24]
- Tangible Functional Programming by Conal Elliott [56:24]
- Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages by Phillip Wadler [1:06:53]
- Don't fear the Monad by Dr. Brian Beckman [1:07:10]
- Functional Programming Design Patterns by Scott Wlaschin [1:49:10]
- Domain modelling with the F# type system by Scott Wlaschin [1:03:40]
- Propositions as Types by Philip Wadler [42:42]
- Category Theory for the Working Hacker by Philip Wadler [42:17]
- Types are like the Weather, Type Systems are like Weathermen by Matthias Felleisen [1:15:18]
- Functional architecture - The pits of success by Mark Seemann [1:00:09]
- Architecture the Lost Years by Robert C. Martin [1:06:39]
- DDD: putting the model to work by Eric Evans [58:48]
- Unleash Your Domain by Greg Young [45:20]
- 8 Lines of Code by Greg Young [54:43]
- Strategic Design by Eric Evans [54:40]
- Reliability, Availability, and Scalability by Udi Dahan [1:11:09]
- Implementing Micro Service Architectures by Fred George [54:40]
- Immutability Changes Everything by Pat Helland [45:19]
- Crafting Wicked Domain Models by Jimmy Bogard [1:03:03]
- The Actor Model by Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski [42:34]
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters by Josh Bloch [1:00:18]
- The Joys and Pains of a Long Lived Codebase by Jeremy D Miller [1:02:30]
- Microservices by Martin Fowler [26.25]
- Stewardship: The Sobering Parts by Brian Goetz [1:03:30]
- Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen [26:04]
- Evidence-Oriented Programming by Andreas Stefik [41:42]
- The Programming Language Wars by Andreas Stefik [50:28]
- Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems Design by Camille Fournier [40:35]
- Kill "Microservices" before its too late by Chad Fowler [39:41]
- Crockford on JavaScript by Douglas Crockford [10:14:37]
- Go To There and Back Again by Douglas Crockford [49:06]
- The Better Parts by Douglas Crockford [01:00:52]
- Introduction to Node.js by Ryan Dahl [58:19]
- WAT by Gary Bernhardt [4:17]
- The Birth & Death of JavaScript by Gary Bernhardt [29:22]
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! by Brian Lonsdorf [36:30]
- Community.js by Chris Williams [21:39]
- An End to Negativity by Chris Williams [27:25]
- Is Node.js Better by Brian Ford [41:42]
- Life is Terrible: Let's Talk About the Web by James Mickens [32:07]
- Critical rendering path - Crash course on web performance by Ilya Grigorik [41:10]
- 10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source by Paul Irish [53:40]
- Om Next by David Nolen [46:17]
- ClojureScript for Skeptics by Derek Slager [41:08]
- TDD, where did it all go wrong by Ian Cooper [1:00:37]
- Holistic testing by Jimmy Bogard [1:00:33]
- Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt [33:44]
- Is TDD Dead? - Part 1 by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, and David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) [30:28]
- The Transformation Priority Premise by Robert C. Martin [53:43]
- TDD in Tatters by Scott Bellware [01:07:53]
- Test-Driven Development - Write better code in less time by Evan Dorn [30:54]
- The Land that Scrum Forgot by Robert C. Martin [45:41]
- Demanding Professionalism in Software Development by Robert C. Martin [45:03]
- Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 1 by Spotify Training & Development [13:12]
- Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 2 by Spotify Training & Development [13:27]
- Adopting Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble [47:22]
- The Death of Agile by Dave Thomas [47:47]
- Why Agile Works by Alistair Cockburn [53:03]
- Implementing Programmer Anarchy by Fred George [54:55]
- A Brief History of Graphics by Stuart Brown [46:00]
- Reflection on Window Systems: A Personal Study of Software Engineering by Rob Pike [43:33]
- The Charming Genius of the Apollo Guidance Computer by Brian Troutwine [48:36]
- The History (and the Future) of Software by Grady Booch [01:09:27]
- The Future of Programming by Robert C. Martin [01:18:20]
- Deconstructing the Database by Rich Hickey [1:06:23]
- A Lecture on Creativity by John Cleese [36:39]
- The Meaning of Life by Derek Sivers [18:54]
- Becoming an Outlier: Career Reboot for the Developer Mind by Cory House [59:12]
- Surviving the Framework Hype Cycle by Brandon Hays [35:26]
- Stop Treading Water - Learning to Learn by Edward Kmett [40:59]
- The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams by Randy Pausch [1:16:26]
- Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address by Steve Jobs [15:04]
- Hammock Driven Development by Rich Hickey [39:48]